
Please help another early start by alarm going off !
Had message on whilst driving "alarm triggered"?

Is it possible to deactivate the alarm completely ?
98 4.6HSE
Volumetric sensor is supposedly one cause of the alarm going off. the alarm can be de-activated but it will affect your insurance. Try a site search.
Thanks - will look at volumetric sensor , also live in a very rural area so car being nicked is slim !! Left the car unlocked to prevent alarm going off ! Is it easy to disable alarm permanently ?
Thanks - will look at volumetric sensor , also live in a very rural area so car being nicked is slim !! Left the car unlocked to prevent alarm going off ! Is it easy to disable alarm permanently ?

Diagnostics, Faultmate, nanocom etc. On some you can pull the connector on the sounder to stop the noise.
Won't necessarily stop the fault messages or actually immobilising the vehicle thinking it has been tampered with. Best plug it in to deactivate, unless you fix it of course.

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