I was helping another member and he found that the pipe to the air tank had a hole in it were the pipe had got hot from a blow in the exhaust, it was very hard to find as with engine running you could not here it.
you should be able to take the pipe out the block and connect it to an air line to test pipe and tank.
That was me you was helping, Thank you, any way buy 4 valves off ebay only cheap and you can blow up 4 corners it eliminates all the bags and pipe work gives you a good starting point
And applying 12 volts to 9 volt solenoids could lead to burning them out.:eek:

Kieth, I did not say to apply the volts to solenoids. I was suggesting driver pack input signals which are 12V. C152 on early models, or C0871 for 1999 onwards.
I have put a new pressure switch in, checked the diaphragm is the right way round. Checked everywhere for leaks. Found none.
I felt all the solenoids one at a time to se if they clicked when forced by Lynx.but none of them did. According to Lynx there are no faults.
When I run the engine the compressor runs foe about 5minutes and then switches off when the tank is full.
Nobody has touched the wiring.

When you put the pressure switch in you used that gas paste stuff to seal it?
I tried the wiring as per diagram but the earth lead started to melt, so I yanked them out quick.I think there must have been a short in the driver pack.
So I fitted another drivers pack that I had in my spares, and to my amazement the car started to rise, I took it to the top setting and have left it to
see if it leaks overnight. Sincere thanks to all for you help.
I tried the wiring as per diagram but the earth lead started to melt, so I yanked them out quick.I think there must have been a short in the driver pack.
So I fitted another drivers pack that I had in my spares, and to my amazement the car started to rise, I took it to the top setting and have left it to
see if it leaks overnight. Sincere thanks to all for you help.

Result. Well done. People have had issues with the pins on the driver pack plugs before but cannot remember an outright failure. You were able to trigger the valves with diagnostics though? Just trying to think how to spot this in the future.
I tried the wiring as per diagram but the earth lead started to melt, so I yanked them out quick.I think there must have been a short in the driver pack.
So I fitted another drivers pack that I had in my spares, and to my amazement the car started to rise, I took it to the top setting and have left it to
see if it leaks overnight. Sincere thanks to all for you help.
Polarity reversed.

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