
New Member
Hi there im new to the site. My brother just bought an ex police range rover and there are a few things we need help with. In the rear doors and next to the centre console it was fitted with clarion source select switches and we are not sure what these are for. It also has a veba monitor fitted above the stereo in the centre console is this something from the police??

Any help would be great!!!!
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2001 cars should be fitted with alpine sterio equipment,is the monitor for the sat nav if fitted? check in the boot for the disc player on the right hand side as you look in
The right hand side only had a black box which looks like the police kept a battry in or radio equip I will et pics the morn

The source select fitted into both rear doors and also at the drivers side of the centre console


Veba screen
Not really gonna mate has the clarion thing in his car.

Basically and av source goes into the zone switcher unit then can be viewed on any screen it the car. So think of it as channel switch for each screen.

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