Oh so very true....

Getting back to CFC i know quite a lot about that. I worked on CFC development at Bae for a time, actually made the first experimental CFC tailplane for the Tornado with my own little handies. Also a CFC cabin side for the same aircraft. Spent an inordinate amount of time trying to convince the graduate engineers that laying up a flat panel, then trying to form it around a compound curve to make Jaguar spine panels was not a good idea. And that it would be better with multidirectional cloth. Guess who was right in the end. :D:D:D
Getting back to CFC i know quite a lot about that. I worked on CFC development at Bae for a time, actually made the first experimental CFC tailplane for the Tornado with my own little handies. Also a CFC cabin side for the same aircraft. Spent an inordinate amount of time trying to convince the graduate engineers that laying up a flat panel, then trying to form it around a compound curve to make Jaguar spine panels was not a good idea. And that it would be better with multidirectional cloth. Guess who was right in the end. :D:D:D
But didn't you know Tony, Grads know everything there is to know - they have graduated afterall.....:D

How do I know this??? - Cos I had the same cocky, know-it-all attitude when I graduated - within the first 5 minutes on my first day - I was soon 're-alligned' by a very senior Prod Manager who took me to one side and told me in no uncertain or mistakable terms that to get along - first I had to go along....That I knew jack, what I was taught for the last 7 years at College and University was completly useless, no-one cared that I had hung my Master of Science in Aeronautical and Aerospace Design Engineering Certificate on the wall above my desk chair (infact it would be best to take it down before others did!!), all the work for the last 3 years on my thesis had been done before and meant little more than the graffiti on the back of the toilet doors....

I soon learnt that I knew naff all, and I should listen for the next 3 years before I even dare to open my gob again infront of the Workshop team....

The Prod guys taught me a very very vaulable lesson that day, I may think I am the mutts nuts, but in the end it is the workshop that gets the job done - and on a few occasions has saved my backside on a few things too....
But didn't you know Tony, Grads know everything there is to know - they have graduated afterall.....:D

How do I know this??? - Cos I had the same cocky, know-it-all attitude when I graduated - within the first 5 minutes on my first day - I was soon 're-alligned' by a very senior Prod Manager who took me to one side and told me in no uncertain or mistakable terms that to get along - first I had to go along....That I knew jack, what I was taught for the last 7 years at College and University was completly useless, no-one cared that I had hung my Master of Science in Aeronautical and Aerospace Design Engineering Certificate on the wall above my desk chair (infact it would be best to take it down before others did!!), all the work for the last 3 years on my thesis had been done before and meant little more than the graffiti on the back of the toilet doors....

I soon learnt that I knew naff all, and I should listen for the next 3 years before I even dare to open my gob again infront of the Workshop team....

The Prod guys taught me a very very vaulable lesson that day, I may think I am the mutts nuts, but in the end it is the workshop that gets the job done - and on a few occasions has saved my backside on a few things too....

It's refreshing to hear that Ant, a pit many others do not have the same attitude. I have given out the same lecture many times, if you know what i mean.:):)
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It's refreshing to hear that Ant, a pit many others do not have the same attitude. I have given out the same lecture many times, if you know what i mean.:):)

Youngsters now a days (Hark at me at 34) think they know everything and the world owes them everything....

Youngsters now a days (Hark at me at 34) think they know everything and the world owes them everything....

Strange world industry Ant. Went on a training course about discipline on the factory floor. The guy said it was most important to treat everyone the same or you would get decent. In the real world that is not possible, different people need different treatment to get the best out of them. What is most important is to be perceived to treat everyone the same, that is a totally different ball game.

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