anyone up for a day out nxt sun the 17th feb?
starting at shaftsbury oxdrove and then onto wilton and Salisbury

Pikey. (Tbc)

Drexel (tbc)

Gonna cap this trip at 8 so get yr names down if ya wanna come along
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Didn't someone say part of the oxdrove is TRO'd around Fovant?

Typical though, supposed to be working on mine on Sunday . . do I fix it or use it . . :scratching_chin:
My bloody spare wheel/tyre STILL hasn't arrived, so I may need use of that compressor again if I'm unfortunate enough to have it happen again.... ;)
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Fookin' alternator bearing seized on the way home from work today, so I'm currently trying to get hold of an alternator quickly...
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Hi, I'm new to the forum.
I've done a lot of laning with SADLRC. I note you are doing the Ox Drove on Sunday 17th. Do you have room for a red 90? If so where will you start and what time please?
Hi, I'm new to the forum.
I've done a lot of laning with SADLRC. I note you are doing the Ox Drove on Sunday 17th. Do you have room for a red 90? If so where will you start and what time please?

The Ox Drove is on a ridge and red ones don't go up hills (as everyone knows)......Someone will be organising something in a valley soon so don't despair
I'm going to have to pull out I'm afraid, just too skint this week after shelling out for a new alternator and stuff :(

Have fun, and don't forget the pics! :)
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Minty.....If you would like to make a small convoy, we could start from the Salisbury racecourse end. I'd be happy to lead. Let me know what you think?