Bit Of Bow Wave Action Video by freddy 007 | Photobucket

Then Andy's disco decided it needed a drink... which lead to this..

Andy Needs A Tow Video by freddy 007 | Photobucket

And then this..


And for the bonus round.. who can spot what is missing from one photo to the other.


then 4hrs later..

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It's great to see the photos & video, awesome day and thanks to all that went - what a team!
WLM, have you got your Landy sorted?, hope the problem wasn't expensive.
Nice seeing my head buried under a bonnet, a great view of my arse. Thankfully Andy's Disco isn't to high, and was able to stand in the middle of the Ruts, i have to use a step ladder to get to my engine !!!
And thankfully able to get it moving again, not sure why the battery became flat in such a short time period?

Thanks to all that went, had a great time.
Every time i go out something starts working again, last week diff lock light on dash, and now my rev counter.

To WLM hopefully a simple and cheap fix, if you need an extra pair of hands for repairs give us a shout, although usually repairing or servicing Exohenge's gas guzzler!!
Nice seeing my head buried under a bonnet, a great view of my arse. Thankfully Andy's Disco isn't to high, and was able to stand in the middle of the Ruts, i have to use a step ladder to get to my engine !!!
And thankfully able to get it moving again, not sure why the battery became flat in such a short time period?

Thanks to all that went, had a great time.
Every time i go out something starts working again, last week diff lock light on dash, and now my rev counter.

To WLM hopefully a simple and cheap fix, if you need an extra pair of hands for repairs give us a shout, although usually repairing or servicing Exohenge's gas guzzler!!
thanks kev,,its at petes at the mo with a big long list of things to fix:mad: