
The body shop at work must have gallons of the stuff at work now we are joining the bee network.

Oh you’ll see it. I had to glue the circle of timber back in and try again. Too tight to buy another sheet 🙄
You will always see that though, while sat quaffing champers, when you're towing it, it will draw your eye Bob.
And you will ask yourself, Why, Why did I scrimp;)
You will always see that though, while sat quaffing champers, when you're towing it, it will draw your eye Bob.
And you will ask yourself, Why, Why did I scrimp;)
Ere you are you godless babyeating degenerate 😉

The ole wivin han ole.


With the Monza styley flip up, MOSTLY HIDING MY BRAINFART 😡


The big question is; do I fit the cap vertically or at a jaunty angle so it’s out of the way when open.

Milestone today. All panels on and shaped. Woohoo!!!
More filling and epoxy tomorrow along with plenty of sanding and it’s standby for Kevlar.

Never done it before so hoping it goes well 😳
Unlike me…… take everyone’s advice who has used expanding foam to insulate camper walls and run a mile.
What a disaster. Spoze it had to happen eventually.
Even with escape holes (that seal themselves before everything finishes expanding) the pressure in such a small void causes mayhem. I’ve minimised the buckling as much as I could but I’m going to have to give it a few days before attempting a rescue mission on the panelling. The couple I did yesterday still havnt cured as more holes drilled this afternoon are still blowing out pink goo.
Sorry to hear it @Bobsticle tough break. :(
It’s not the end of the world, it’s just annoying. Canned expanding foam dunt perform like the two pack you mix for say racing car seats or boat rudders. That stuff all expands at once and cures as one unit and all at calculated volumes.
Shoving a tube in a hole and letting loose blind until it reaches another hole is just too hit and miss.
Like I say you end up with with the vent holes curing and blocking but half the foam deep inside the cavity continues to expand building up excessive pressure.
I’m hoping it’s only affected one section of the external skin and that will mostly be behind the storage tin bolted over it. We’ll see 🙄

I may be able to beat the panel back in by slightly crushing the foam if the ply will go back now it’s been stretched. I’ve wedged it for now with a big lump of timber between it and the lockup door 😂
Did what I could but it looks a little closer to the series bodywork than I’d planned. 🤣

It won’t effect its integrity as is but I didn’t fit the ply to be removed within the next 100 years so hacking it off would cause a little concern.

Any road up, just gave it a second coat of epoxy and it’s on to this roof again. About to drill a couple of 80mm holes for the roof vents before I attack it with the Kevlar.


Good job I want the paintwork silk instead of gloss. 😉
Too risky today to tackle the Kevlar. I have to do it outside and rain due at any time. I’ll fill my time messing with other bits. Popping off over the weekend for a couple of days so hope Monday or Tuesday is dry enough to risk the roof.
Once draped and squeegeed with resin it’ll take five hours or so to become just stiff enough to trim the edges so I need a full dry day.
Your never going to guess what I’ve gone and done……

Kevlar on. Just managed it outside and as the rain arrived I was pulling the camper back into the lockup. The epoxy just went claggy enough to run a stanley round the overhang and leave a good edge. Be ready for a second coat on Monday, weather permitting. 😁
Back at work for now which will give the three coats of resin to harden up on the roof. To finish the joint between the kevlar overhang and the walls I’ve fitted a bead that will also give a line for colour change betwixed woof and sides.

The other news is I may have secured tenancy on the lockup next door. 😁 I can store all my materials and occasional use tools in there and have my workshop space back. Very exciting 🤪
Don’t you think I’m enough trouble 😳

The chap in question has an urge to do the pay and play mud pits but only has one leg. So obviously he got the lockup to build an auto defender. As you do.
Got the second one (too far away from mine to put a bid in) was for bodywork while he finished the chassis and engine bits. Seems this Range Rover was auto and 4x4. Who’d o guessed.
Looks like the defender project has been shelved 😮

Any road up the one next door is now mine. Within reach of my air line and an extension cable and with the possibility of a wee hole for some fairy lights run off mi solar array. Might even be room for my prepping bins that’ll free up space in the west wing.

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