Wossit weigh?
Dunno but it’s alot fora little en. I will take it to the local weghbridge when complete. Then I can make the plate 😳

Issit just me or are all the winders a bit on the small side? :stars:
The windows were found by the skip at work. So far we believe they came from another depot when it closed down and stayed in a corner for years until a new firm took our depot over and demanded a clear out in the engineering department. They are all new and still in plastic. Naturally being free the whole trailer was built round them. Certainly saved me a few undrid quid.
Still can’t decide on a colour. I don’t want it a land rover colour and most certainly not the same colour as the heap.
I want it reasonably offensive and oldy worldy. You know, where people say it’s lovely but didn’t they have some vile colours. The roof will be most likely limestone coz I’ve got some of that.
I was thinking cockpit green for the inside. I’m leaning to powder blue for the exterior. Whatever it is it will be satin, not gloss, although the roof and wheels look like they will be done in gloss limestone left over from the series.

Not that I’m tight🙄
Should it be sky or Duck-Egg blue and white so the German AA batteries don't shoot it down?

Got stuck in again this afternoon. This time on the last wall ‘the front’.
Bit more complicated this one as I’ve a few holes to get as accurate as possible. Two of them will hold spring loaded flip up fuel caps. One will be for heater diesel and the other to hide the alarm key switch. Naturally I completely bruggered up the first one so had to go into bodge it up mode.
Got mi ruddy ed right for the second one and managed success on the one that will take the socket from the car electrics. I’ve decided to have the car cable completely removable with a socket at either end. The one on the car end will be standard but the one on the trailer end will be a truck coupling so without the cable it’ll be harder to nick.

Just got the angled bit to panel tomorrow (hang over allowing) once the main wall glue has gone off. With any luck and a steady hand ‘with’ some photos.
I’ve got some freestyle shaping to do on the angle corners as the router won’t mut the custard. Better sharpen mi plane 😳

Hope I can remember how to do proper carpentry 😮

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