

I have done a quick search, but could not easily find the answer.

My 1976 LWB with original 2 1/4 petrol has just started overheating, although it has always been a little temperamental on this. I have flushed the system and replaced with antifreeze mix. Seemed pretty clean when flushed. Radiator is a reconditioned unit, maybe 10 years ago....

I have borrowed an IR temp gauge, what differential should there be between top and bottom hose. I haven't checked it yet, just looking for info in advance.

Many thanks
What are the symptoms?

Mine gets quite warm if the mixture on the carb is too lean - nice on a cold day but not a good idea in the long run!

Symptom is temp guage gradually climbing until after about 5 miles it is appraching red zone so I head for home muttering curses. System is flushed and thermostat currently removed to see if that altered the problem (it didn't).

Now I have an IR gun, I will bravely steal a kitchen pot and boil the thermostat to check operation, then reinstal.

Will also get someone more knowledgeable than me to check mixture and timing. Thanks for that tip.

I will also try IR gun on the rafdiator to see top and bottom temp differential.
Don't know about temp diff but look for cold spots on the rad....could be a partial blockage, I'd leave the stat out until you've found the problem just to keep it out of the equation. Check the hoses are clear as well, esp the bottom hose, they can get crudded up reducing flow but my monies on the rad.

Worth getting the mixture checked if you don't find anything else and your not sure but the state of the plugs should let you know if its bad enough to cause overheating as all the 2 1/4's were designed to cope anywhere in the commonwealth and tend to be overcooled as a result
For anyone interested, problem appears to have bene solved by taking out the voltage stabiliser, and reinstalling, connections tightened etc. Am guessing it was not earthing correctly.

Temps now showing normal, and an intermittant "flutter" of the guage has disapeared.

Side effect seems to be I have lost 1/4 of a tank of fuel!! Fuel guage now more accurate which has to be a good thing overall....

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