nothin by the looks of it. . id ask for the history detials - where it was brought orignally etc. . .who classed it overfinch? is that on the V5
You would look through the history and find a receipt for one Overfinch badge 42.59+vat

no would have come from the main deler sold as an overfinch would it not. . not just a badge. . if its fake then yea some point in the history will be a receipt for an overfinch badge
i would think that genuine overfinch RR's would have an engine upgrade, (probably a chevy or similar) and probably suspension upgrade too. anything else (mostly seen on ebay) that just has badges and bodykits is 'mutton dressed as lamb'.
Dunno much about these but one overtook me the other day and where it says Range Rover on the back, this one said "Overfinch" - which the ebay one doesn't. Is that a new thing? The one that overtook me looked absolutely stunning (dunno why, it just did) and that one looks a bit bog standard (although still very nice)
OF have been around fer years, and if it's a real one they will be anle to tell you exactly what they did to it and when

Thass wot i thort, also a car dealer who won't take part ex, the service history "is temproarily lost but we might find it", no real overfinch badge, looks kinda bog standard to me. All a bit suspect. The only thing finch about it is the address!
Green sick puppy..


Well not Kelly Green you understand....a dark green and cream or off white...

Not that I'd have bought an Overfinch in green to start with.....seems a bit of a odd colour to choose since you could have any colour on their books.
Well not Kelly Green you understand....a dark green and cream or off white...

Not that I'd have bought an Overfinch in green to start with.....seems a bit of a odd colour to choose since you could have any colour on their books.

Im sorry but leather in any colour green is well wrong....:p

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