I have the full set of diagnostic modules (Multi Vehicle) for the P38..Petrol and Diesel (All models) which cover the BECM, EAS, Engine,SRS, ABS, Cruise control, HEVAC, Gearbox etc. etc.

The BECM modules allow me to unlock them and disable the Immobiliser etc.

Used to have Rovacomlite but the vehicle server went tits up a couple of months ago so I replaced it with the latest Faultmate Extreme.
see Blackbox Solutions Ltd - Designers and manufacturers of the best vehicle diagnostic tools. for more info.

when you say it went tits up, what happened to it? have you still got it and if so do you want it?:D:D:D:D:D
Hi Gav.. The PC would not see it when connected.
Because the old unit had all the active software modules installed, Blackbox would not issue the Faultmate to me until they had the old unit in their possession, otherwise I would have had two units with active software..do you see where I am coming from ?????
They probably put a hammer through the old Rovacomlite as soon as they got it to make sure it didn't go astray !!!! Dead cute !!
Hi Gav.. The PC would not see it when connected.
Because the old unit had all the active software modules installed, Blackbox would not issue the Faultmate to me until they had the old unit in their possession, otherwise I would have had two units with active software..do you see where I am coming from ?????
They probably put a hammer through the old Rovacomlite as soon as they got it to make sure it didn't go astray !!!! Dead cute !!


oops caps lock stuck on,

i was after a full dump of the drive so i could rattle it off to storey so's he could code a free version for release!!!

never mind!!!
Nah....they give a part ex allowance against the Faultmate as the RCL was out of warranty (By a good few years !!!)
Hope to meet up when you're here John, so you can show me round my newly acquired Faultmate Extreme...which I've still frustratingly not managed to activate yet (serial / usb cable was needed, got it now but the Rangie's now back home and I've got the Audi S8 in Norfolk!!). I need to plug the kit into the Rangie in order to complete the highly complicated activation routine. Hopefully next time I'm home and its not bucketing down like a monsoon !!! Would also like to unlock the BECM just in case it should ever need to be unlocked, then I can use my single vehicle Faultmate Extreme to change settings.


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