In message <>
Mother <"@ {mother} @"> wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 08:39:43 +0000 (UTC), beamendsltd
> <> wrote:
> >But apart from being an interesting experiment, statistically it was/is
> >meaningless, since it has a high novelty factor and is not the "norm".

> Although perfectly correct in your analysis, there are lessons to be
> learned and a fair amount of qualitative data to suggest cognitive
> changes and the creation of more harmonious 'shared spaces'. I
> understand this model is to be deployed elsewhere on a more permanent
> basis (Manchester and Ipswich spring to mind, not too sure where I got
> that from, though).

I thought it had been in Central Manchester, but they just didn't
bother taking down the signs ;-)

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