the increase is just about the same price as a couple of tanks of fuel

do you check that yer tyres are fully inflatted before every trip ?
do you minimise how much junk you carry in the vehicle?
does your driving style minimise the need to brake ?
do you need to use your vehicle for every trip ?

there's plenty of peeps who will readily jump up and down when their wallet gets opened against their will yet very few who will put any effort into doing things that will save themselves much much more

it's a fact of life that everything is going to be costing more so unless you can invent a vehicle that runs on fresh air some peeps might just have to stop living beyond their means or work a bit harder to earn a few quid more

unless you also have a plan to solve this "issue" ?

I think 'peeps' don't mind paying forsomething if IT'S THIER OWN CHOICE. Having money taken out of thier pocket against thier will is wrong no matter how you look at it.
Its all well it only being two tanks of fuel difference but we shouldnt be paying that.

I can perfectly accept any new vehicle should have to pay for the extra tax, after all, you have that choice, 'buy a new car, you know what the score is.' But when you buy a vehicle and your asset is reducing in value and there is nothing you can do about it, then I think its just wrong.

Lets face it, diesel used to be cheaper than petrol by aprox 10p per litre. Why is diesel now 15p more expensive than petrol. Before this fuel hike, it used to be said that diesel was not as harmfull as petrol, now it is. Ths farse of a government is making up the rules to suit its own end. I know all governments do that, but I didnt vote for this man in power.

The only problem is, any political party in this country will screw the average man in the street.

Sorry I'm ranting.

Put the duty on the fuel, whats it ging to cost, another one or two pence on each litre?
I heard on the news (Radio 4) some guy (An Expert in something) say that our cars only produce 1% of the pollution and in even banning cars it wouldnt help much.

Its more of another stealth tax, instead of using the current billions we give them for no reason on educating people they use it to create services to charge us more for no reason.

It comes down to the british being push overs again, no one sticks together and we all do as we are told :/
Hopefully the by election defeat in Glasgow East will eventually have the knock-on effect of having Brownhole & his bitch Darling being forced to reconsider their road tax theft plans. Along with their recent drubbings in England, the nation is now telling them how unacceptable their behaviour is. They should start listening, though perhaps it's too late......
Hopefully the by election defeat in Glasgow East will eventually have the knock-on effect of having Brownhole & his bitch Darling being forced to reconsider their road tax theft plans. Along with their recent drubbings in England, the nation is now telling them how unacceptable their behaviour is. They should start listening, though perhaps it's too late......

oh shut up ya numpty whoever is in power peeps will find something to moan about - everyone remembers how good it wuz when the tories wuz in last - they only lasted so long cos they bribbed peeps by giving them the rights to buy their council houses and fer defending a island full of seagulls
oh shut up ya numpty whoever is in power peeps will find something to moan about - everyone remembers how good it wuz when the tories wuz in last - they only lasted so long cos they bribbed peeps by giving them the rights to buy their council houses and fer defending a island full of seagulls

oh shut up ya numpty whoever is in power peeps will find something to moan about - everyone remembers how good it wuz when the tories wuz in last - they only lasted so long cos they bribbed peeps by giving them the rights to buy their council houses and fer defending a island full of seagulls

Any chance of a couple of tanks of fuel for us "peeps"
Hopefully the by election defeat in Glasgow East will eventually have the knock-on effect of having Brownhole & his bitch Darling being forced to reconsider their road tax theft plans. Along with their recent drubbings in England, the nation is now telling them how unacceptable their behaviour is. They should start listening, though perhaps it's too late......

Will it change tomorrow?
I'm begining to change my views. There's also talk of reducing VAT, sounds great and I welcome cheaper goods as much as the next man, but I can't help thinking about the amount of time it is going to take to adjust all our prices on the computer, I can see several late late nights (no overtime for me) and it's only temporary, so they'll all need changing back again. A bit of extra road tax is not sounding so bad!
remember poll tax ???????????? lets be done with it and have a riot :D :D :D :D :D Ive just bought a dec 02 and knew about the tax £25 more than iam paying for a 96 bmw compact so Ive got to work 6hrs overtime a year to pay for it big deal but I have to agree that it is unfair the new rules should only apply to vehicles made after the rule came in not 6:7 years before but thats the uk for you
remember poll tax ???????????? lets be done with it and have a riot :D :D :D :D :D Ive just bought a dec 02 and knew about the tax £25 more than iam paying for a 96 bmw compact so Ive got to work 6hrs overtime a year to pay for it big deal but I have to agree that it is unfair the new rules should only apply to vehicles made after the rule came in not 6:7 years before but thats the uk for you


Looks like the proposal will be a delay to the hike rather than a scrapping - which doesn't do much to repair the resales on these. Perhaps I think the tax is now priced in a most savy dealers given the very reduced prices on a lot of 4x4s which might help stabalize prices. Not sure what my auto gonna be worth in a few years time - look like i'll be running it into the ground!

My Td4 auto would go from 210 this year, 300 next and 425 year after.

A TD4 manual is set to rise from 210 to 300 next and 310 the year after- a few more hours overtime there!

Fingers crossed they scrap this.

Looks like the proposal will be a delay to the hike rather than a scrapping - which doesn't do much to repair the resales on these. Perhaps I think the tax is now priced in a most savy dealers given the very reduced prices on a lot of 4x4s which might help stabalize prices. Not sure what my auto gonna be worth in a few years time - look like i'll be running it into the ground!

My Td4 auto would go from 210 this year, 300 next and 425 year after.

A TD4 manual is set to rise from 210 to 300 next and 310 the year after- a few more hours overtime there!

Fingers crossed they scrap this.

I'm in the same boat Bonny - I (and this is really unlike me) wrote to my local MP about this retrospective hike and the response I got was - "Tax has been related to emissions since 2001 you should have known that when you bought the car!"
In reality - yes tax has been related to emissions, and I knew that in 2004 when I bought the car but how on earth could I have known that the governement would commence treating a 2 litre diesel with the same tax hammer as a ferrari or lamborghini - or to put it another way a car that emits 240g/km would be banded in the same way as a car that emits over 500/g/km? (ok if we looking for accuracy the supercar will be charged £25/year more)
How could one possibliy predict a 100% increase in VED for a car that does 34 mpg on average - hardly a gas guzzeler in my book.

I doubt crossing fingers will do any good - clearly this government just do not listen!

I'm in the same boat Bonny - I (and this is really unlike me) wrote to my local MP about this retrospective hike and the response I got was - "Tax has been related to emissions since 2001 you should have known that when you bought the car!"
In reality - yes tax has been related to emissions, and I knew that in 2004 when I bought the car but how on earth could I have known that the governement would commence treating a 2 litre diesel with the same tax hammer as a ferrari or lamborghini - or to put it another way a car that emits 240g/km would be banded in the same way as a car that emits over 500/g/km? (ok if we looking for accuracy the supercar will be charged £25/year more)
How could one possibliy predict a 100% increase in VED for a car that does 34 mpg on average - hardly a gas guzzeler in my book.

I doubt crossing fingers will do any good - clearly this government just do not listen!


I also wrote to my PM. Similar but more sympathetic response from mine - told them they'd no chance of winning another election with policies like that! It was full of statement about how we needed to save the world - like buying a new cars was the answer.

I feel like buying a range rover since the tax will be the same. There should be more bands above 240g basically. I don't mind paying a small increase but £425 is going to render it worthless in 2 years time.

Considering getting a disco now and selling the the freebee - get the wife a £35 quid a year new motor then we're about netrual on costs.
I also wrote to my PM. Similar but more sympathetic response from mine - told them they'd no chance of winning another election with policies like that! It was full of statement about how we needed to save the world - like buying a new cars was the answer.

I feel like buying a range rover since the tax will be the same. There should be more bands above 240g basically. I don't mind paying a small increase but £425 is going to render it worthless in 2 years time.

Considering getting a disco now and selling the the freebee - get the wife a £35 quid a year new motor then we're about netrual on costs.

Sounds like a plan - pre March 2001 4 litre rangie - converted to gas - cheaper motoring - h'mmm - autotrader time perhaps?:D
I also wrote to my PM. Similar but more sympathetic response from mine - told them they'd no chance of winning another election with policies like that! It was full of statement about how we needed to save the world - like buying a new cars was the answer.

I feel like buying a range rover since the tax will be the same. There should be more bands above 240g basically. I don't mind paying a small increase but £425 is going to render it worthless in 2 years time.

Considering getting a disco now and selling the the freebee - get the wife a £35 quid a year new motor then we're about netrual on costs.

So what does today's announcements mean then? VED hikes delayed for another year? I'm confused.:confused:
I quote -

" In 2009 duty rates for all cars will only increase by £5. In 2010 the more polluting cars will see duty increase but by no more than £30".
I quote -

" In 2009 duty rates for all cars will only increase by £5. In 2010 the more polluting cars will see duty increase but by no more than £30".

H'mm - sounds like you predicted - it's just delayed things by a year or two - so if I get this right - the VED for our TD4 auto will increase to £215 next year and then (if the banding still discriminates "most polluting" to be those over 225g/km) to £245 the following year.
I can only guess that the £400+ charges will apply the following year 2011?

I suppose it's good news of sorts - but it won't do much to reverse the damage already done to 2nd hand values. I reckon best to hold onto your Freebie just now, the resale value has already taken the hit changing it for something else would no doubt come at a cost.
Best we can hope for - no mention of year 3 - and there's an election in between so nothing is set in stone.

A lot can change in 3 years so i'm not fused, £220-245 a darn site better than £430. Pretty pleased with that all in all. Might be able to afford that Disco the wife wants now.

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