It's a bastard, ain't it? And just one reason why I keep my 1969 Series IIa/III on the road on an Historic Vehicle (==free) tax disc.
my rangey reg sept 2001 will cost me according to parkers in 2010 £455 to tax,
how can they be allowed to do that?
I use the vehicle only to tow my caravan and I do about 2500 miles a year in it.
Any petitions against it?
my rangey reg sept 2001 will cost me according to parkers in 2010 £455 to tax,
how can they be allowed to do that?
I use the vehicle only to tow my caravan and I do about 2500 miles a year in it.
Any petitions against it?

Shed-dragging aside, I'd sign it. Go set it up and announce it here.
shirley that only applies to new registrations?
and dunt ferget, there's zillions of "minicabs" in London.

It applies to all licenced Hackney Carriage taxis (Black Cabs) regardless of age. The cab trade has had to spend a fotune on having all vehicles modified to comply with regulations. Minicabs are ordinary cars and subject to the same rules as private cars.
An energy person, appointed by Our Brilliant PM, has pointed out on national TV that there is a simple way to avoid the big increase in road tax that Freelanders will suffer.
She explained to her ignorant subjects that all we have to do is trade in our existing cars, made virtually worthless by the impending tax changes, and buy a new low emission vehicle. Simple isn't it?:rolleyes:
oh quit yer moaning will ya - either work harder and earn more so you can afford it or cutback on something

cancel yer sky subscriptions, drink less beer, dunt smoke so much, go to skeggy and not benidorm fer yer hols, dunt drive so fast, grow yer own food, purra jumper on when it's cold dunt turn the CH up

peeps today av never had it so good, bit of hardship dint do anyone any harm
oh quit yer moaning will ya - either work harder and earn more so you can afford it or cutback on something

cancel yer sky subscriptions, drink less beer, dunt smoke so much, go to skeggy and not benidorm fer yer hols, dunt drive so fast, grow yer own food, purra jumper on when it's cold dunt turn the CH up

peeps today av never had it so good, bit of hardship dint do anyone any harm

Shaun !

shurrup yer happy bastid !:p
Glad to see the petition link here, when I signed up there were only 86 signatures, now there's 16,000 odds. For the record mines an 03 TD4 Auto, £430 from 2010. If there can eventually be 500,000 people then hopefully it'll make the "Brilliant One" rethink. I've included Parkers excellent Road tax calculator link for all those interested, just select your model & they'll tell you how much the greedy government will con you.

ps. I should have bought a petrol V8 Range Rover, apparently it'll only cost about £35 a year more to tax than my TD4...............nice one "Brilliant One"

Road tax - Parker's
shurrup yer happy bastid !:p

i is appy cos all these peeps make me smurk fer moaning bout an extra few 100 squid when they've spent 1000s buying a newish vehicle (tis also the same price as a couple of tank fulls of fuel)

they dunt know their born

e when i wer a lad we ad to go up to mill at half past emmerdale oclock
I'm appy cos can't find my 2000 L series or my 300tdi Defender on the Parkers list. I assume that all the **** in the news yesterday doen't apply to me? And my Freelander just increased in value? Might spend out the £175.00 on the tailgate window winder now. Wait aminute... Freelander......increase in value? na.
I've checked me log book and for an 02 TD4 it is shown with 205g of carbon dioxides- that means the road tax should ONLY (Ha Ha):mad: go up to £300 then £310 afterwards- not £400.
I've checked me log book and for an 02 TD4 it is shown with 205g of carbon dioxides- that means the road tax should ONLY (Ha Ha):mad: go up to £300 then £310 afterwards- not £400.

It's the wicked Autos and V6's that are the dear ones.
Glad I sold an April 01 registered 2.2 Omega a few years ago now - just searched the Parkers guide and from 2010 i'd be paying £430!

Both my current cars must be great on emissions - even in 2010 i'll only be paying £400 for the pair of them.
so it looks like 9 million people are out of pocket.

what do you thibk of that..

is it worth pointing out that the values of these vehicles is now so low that people will run them to the earth and as such they wont go OFF the road.

same amount of vehicles on the road + same vehicles on the road, add a bit more road tax and what do you get???

well unlike the IDIOT BROWN seems to state, it wont be a greener planet with less crap being spilled out of cars. It will be a nice big amount of extra cash to keep the MPs expences up. :-(

so it looks like 9 million people are out of pocket.

what do you thibk of that..

is it worth pointing out that the values of these vehicles is now so low that people will run them to the earth and as such they wont go OFF the road.

same amount of vehicles on the road + same vehicles on the road, add a bit more road tax and what do you get???

well unlike the IDIOT BROWN seems to state, it wont be a greener planet with less crap being spilled out of cars. It will be a nice big amount of extra cash to keep the MPs expences up. :-(


and yer suggestion as an alternative method of taxation is ?

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