
New Member
Gonna order me some new wheels up as my 33/12.5's are currently mounted on 7J rims. I am undecided whether to go for 8J's or 10J, some recommend one, others the opposite so was wondering what opinions on here would be. I kind of like the 8J's as they will keep the bead on better but the 10J's are wider, will allow me to go up to 13.5's in the future (not that I have that planned) and look meaner but I do worry about popping the bead off road...
Do the people you are buying the tyres off know what width rim the tyre manufacturer recomend or un recomend
I already have the tyres, they are currently on 7J's, they will fit on either 8's or 10's, that's not the issue, its more a case that 10's can pop the bead easier than 8's so some people recommend 8's and some 10's, this is the only difference, I suspect I will go 10 as it keeps my options more open, was hoping (well, more not hoping) to hear people with experience of 10's popping beads but it seems its not as common as some people think...

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