
New Member
Right I have generally managed to sort a few minor issues, however this one needs some expert opinions before I go spending hundreds of pounds I don't have!

When my '97 P38 ends up in access height it can take ages to go up. Today I had a 10 minute drive home in stop start traffic. There was no change when I got home. I left it running on my drive and after about 7-8 minutes the back rose up normal height, then a few minuted later the front rose up to normal ride height!

If I now leave it overnight it will not drop down. It only does this if parked on unlevel ground which I understand. Just can't fully understand why the back goes up first, much sooner than the front.

Do I have a leak, could it be a hole in an airbag, is it a knackered pump...........? Short of fitting springs (£600 aaahhh) what can I do.

PS no fault codes at all..........

Oh I hate this car, no I love it, no I hate it.........no I love it...!
Sounds like the pump seal is kaput, £30 off ebay.
Springs will only cost around £220 - £240 for four and are a slice of gateux to fit yourself. :D
Sounds like the pump seal is kaput, £30 off ebay.
Springs will only cost around £220 - £240 for four and are a slice of gateux to fit yourself. :D

Where can I get the springs for that price? is there a how-to for fitting them?
I couldn't find them cheaper than £400 and I was quoted £200 for fitting.........

The only thing I can't find is a description of how the air system works. Does the pump directly inflate the airbags or does it fill the tank opposite the exhaust box first then inflate the bags etc........?

If it needs a new pump they seem to be about £105 on ebay for a recon one.
Right Here
Down load the rave cd it's full of all the info you will need to maintain your rangie yourself. Do a search for "rave cd" its cd2 you need. It's a hugh file and ideally needs to be copied to cd or dvd.
You shouldn't need a pump if it's running it'll need a new seal found Here.
I read the fitting instructions for the pump seal and it sounded like a right pig of a job. Is that not the case? Have I read it wrong?

Sorry I meant fitting coil springs like THESE

Not a pig at all, it's an easy job just a bit fiddly. Simply remove the pump(make sure no air is in the system as it'll blow your glasses off)!
take it to the dining table dissasemble as per instructions and fit new seal, refit and have a cuppa. Job done, about an hours work with hte pump off prob 2hrs total. When the eas is working it's a marvel in its own but when it goes wrong it can be a bugga. Keep the air i say and stick ya coils!!:D
The teflon ring is easy to replace, just make sure you glue the new O ring in place or it will leak.
hi, i recently changed to coil spring suspension after having so many problems with my eas, i know alot of faithful p38 owners dont like this but i needed the realiability, the ride feels really good and there isnt anymore eas faults i had the atlantic british kit fitted and was £410 plus £100 for a mate to fit it as i didnt fancy doing it myself!(not that confident)!!! if you can afford to maintain the eas then i would keep it but if you need a realiable vehicle and dont have bottomless pockets then i would bite the bullet and change. Hope this helps.
Well for £510 to replace with coils, i'd rather renew the complete EAS system and spend the weekend in the pub with the change.
I really do like the Air suspension. This is the second Rangie I have owned and I do love it. I will gladly fix the problem when I can figure it out!!

I may give the pump seal a go and see how that goes, I just don't want to get into spending here there and everywhere if I can't diagnose the cause of the issue.

Does anyone have any experience in the replacement selas, i.e. reputable ebay sellers with easy to follow instructions? Preferably with photos...........!!
Try These Taw park 4x4 ive never had a problem with them and they deliver next day. Click on the instruction link on that page to get an idea alternatively have a look at rangerovers.net. Where do you live?.
As for spending willy nilly, you could simply replace the whole eas for a lot less than £600!
I've had a good read this evening and thank you for your help.

I think over the weekend I will have a good go over the vehicle with a soapy water bottle to find any leaks. The Taw Park ebay shop seems like a decent place to sort a seal, might give that a go myself. If I cock it up I will only be in the position I am in now anyway, just £30 lighter........

It just annoys me as I can have a week of no issues at all, then it sinks like the titanic cos of a wonky bit of tarmac!!
Oh and the reason the back rises first is because it's supposed to, probably so you don't dazzle other drivers
Thought you might like to know, I bought a recon pump from 'symlise' on ebay and all is perfect now!

all fixed and it does what it should!!

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