Just read this whole thread (90 mins!) after Ginge and Slipper told me about it last night whilst we discussed matters in a hooky little shed in Wales. Don't ask :p

Anyway, **** paul, kin ell!

Urm, you're a bloody hero!

Quite simply glad that we haven't got a disaster, and glad that you were able to self recover with her on her wheels.

Shame the thread has turned into a torrent of bad jokes but I guess that's LZ for you.

All the best mate :)

Heh, cheers mate .. ;)

If anyone is, then David is the hero .. he saw me go under, he pulled me out of the river, his G4 and winch recovered it .. I'm just glad I'm here for the jokes!
Cheers matey. Any chance of doing it again? I'll have the video running next time you go under lol.
You feeling any better now?
Get well soon, get it fixed soon, winch you out again soon ��
Just read the whole thread, glad you're ok and can laugh and joke about it, get your self fit and well and get her fixed :)
surely that is for the forum owners to decide??

what? Was i suggesting it be done? I was just asking if it was something that was technically possible as i have no idea how the forums work from behind the scenes.

calm down.
what? Was i suggesting it be done? I was just asking if it was something that was technically possible as i have no idea how the forums work from behind the scenes.

calm down.

i am calm,are you.i suggested it was the owners choice.the same as you said your views.difference???
it comes across as a bit of a mind your own business post as its for the forum owners to decide. most of your posts come across agressive imo. anyway not going to argue about it or make enemies, was just an idle thought. I dont know if the software allows the forum to be set up like that i dont know :confused:
it comes across as a bit of a mind your own business post as its for the forum owners to decide. most of your posts come across agressive imo. anyway not going to argue about it or make enemies, was just an idle thought. I dont know if the software allows the forum to be set up like that i dont know :confused:

it was just my opinion,nothing more.perhaps you should chill out yourself then hey.:cool::cool:
This is possibly the best thing Ive ever read online. Really does show to power of Land Rovers and its people. Aswell as the bloody power of nature!

When its running again get a video up! Ill be happy to see it!
This is possibly the best thing Ive ever read online. Really does show to power of Land Rovers and its people. Aswell as the bloody power of nature!

When its running again get a video up! Ill be happy to see it!

Cheers .. I think! ;)

Had so many offers of help it would have been impossible to accept them all, so we kept it tight and amongst close friends for the recovery .. snatch and grab sorta thing!

Salvaged (pun) one video of the recovery, editing it to a manageable size and that'll be posted soon.

As soon as I can work on it I'm gonna do it as a project, warts and all, might help someone in a similar situation. This weekend I've removed all my tools and recovery kit and hosed it all down, so a bit boring. Left the ****e so the assessor can see it in it's glory!
Thats a good plan mate, cant believe some little thugs tried to make off with it!

Should have dived down and fitted a disklok lol

Well done for getting it out aswell. Not sure why but this thread is filling me a sense of joy and commitment"
could the site be limited in what you can view unless you actually sign up?

Yes you can, I'm a member of bandit owners club, we only have certain sections that can be viewed by guests for them to get a feel for the club etc, once registered they can then view the rest of the site (ours is a paid membership site though)
Heheheh .. these just came in the post, not sure I need them yet ..


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