Done similar. Not with bonnet bushes, with boots! :oops:

Took me boots off, covered in mud, and put em on the roof of me series. No surprises, they werent there when I got home from work. I even saw one of them fall off in the side mirror. I assumed it was just falling leaves out the corner of my eye, like you get in country lanes in Autumn! :(
Oh, thats noothin', when I were a lad, me Dad balanced a two bob bit on the tappet cover of his Austin A40, then drove 3,000 miles North to Cape York over the roughest roads, through river crossings up mountain ranges over rough tracks, when he lifted the bonnet at the end of the journey, he found four sixpenny bits, all still standing on edge on the tappet cover, he said, "sumpin' here has changed !"
Ive done that..... :rolleyes:

One thing that shocked us, is we left a biscuit on the boot lid at lunch on Sunday, in France. 1.30hr driving through France, Euro Tunnel Trip, loaded on to the big yellow taxi and the 2 hours home from there and unloaded. Biscuit hadnt even moved! :eek:

You left a Biscuit!!!
You sir, should be shot
I managed around 2000 miles with a 1p coin sat on the side steps of the disco... including quite a lot of bumpy off road stuff... only disappeared quite recently (probably a result of driving through a ford)
You left a Biscuit!!!
You sir, should be shot
Have you ever tried to remove an upside down choccie bikki from anywhere, especially if the weather was warm??
It doesn't!!
Zillions of years ago, we put a wine glass full of water in the bonnet wheel after I had tuned her, and it didn't spill a drop during the 30 mile test drive around Halifax (Yorkshire, that is :cool::cool:)
Me and a pal drove off with 2 take-away cups of tea on the roof in one of those cardboard 2 miles down the road before we realised... still there!

A birthday cake the Mrs baked then left on the roof of my car on a different occasion didn't fair so well. We both realised just as we took the first turn off...I'll never forget seeing the chocolate cake rolling through the junction in the rear view mirror.
I managed around 2000 miles with a 1p coin sat on the side steps of the disco... including quite a lot of bumpy off road stuff... only disappeared quite recently (probably a result of driving through a ford)
Nah, some hard up ba5tard probably nicked it !
And... was anybody hurt in the Ford that you drove through, bit rough!
I did leave my MBStar diagnostic laptop on the roof of the Smart when I went for a test drive.
The laptop still works - looks a bit more second hand now though.......
I once managed to drive off with the only copy of the video tape of our wedding on the roof.
I did manage to recover quite a lot of it but I'll leave to your imagination the resultant conversation.

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