
Well-Known Member
So I have had my big beastie for a whole year now. and along came the time that we owners of slightly older vehicles dread. I am talking about the...
... Dah dah dah MOT time.
I have made a a habit, nay, an art form out of ignoring everybody who told me that I was mad to have a Range. I have become particularly good at ignoring those owners of more mundane metal, who predicted a list of faults as long as Errol Flynns ( allegedly) exceedingly long todger. But it was with a lump in my throat, a tilt in my kilt and everything crossed that is anatomically possible to cross, that I put my L322 into it's MOT.
You see, I only have one kidney, I do not want to sell any other doubled up bits of me as I have become quite attached to them.
So I booked my Beastie in for a service and an MOT, hoping that the service would not be a requiem mass.
The day progressed, much as days tend to and my finger nails disappeared much as I expected them to.
16.00 the phone rang. "This is BT, we have detected illegal activity on your line and will disconnect your internet if you do not speak to our adviser". Needless to say I replied by advising the caller to engage in a prolonged bout of "sex and travel" if you get what I mean.
16.30, I could hardly wait, my fingernails were now just bloody stumps and my lustrous dark hair had turned grey and was now puddled around my feet.
The phone rang. " Hello this is the garage, would you like to come and collect your Range Rover."
"Erm yes," I replied waiting for the voice to continue," Bring a low loader or a skip"
" Yes she has passed. The only thing"...(Heart sank)... "Is that drivers mirror will need to be changed at some time".
ALLEY bloody LUYA.!!!!!!!
I admit the start of my ownership of my L322 was at times a little tense, but over the last 6 to 8 months she has been the very model of reliability. I know I should not say this as I am tempting fate, and the gods of chaos just lurve an idiot like me, but all things taken into consideration, It has been worth it.
So here is to another ( fairly ) trouble free year of Range Rover motoring.

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