Blackmail crime involving a threat for purposes of compelling a person to do an act against his or her will, or for purposes of taking the person's money or property.

not sure if its blackmail as neither of us is trying to get money or property from the other. He on the other hand is trying to discredit the name of the company I work for and gain the names and address of all directors so he can write or phone them with the idea of trying to get me fired from my job. From doing a wee bit of research on the internet I have found that he has done this to quite a few of his customers not only does he sell stock which is not fit for the purpose but if the customer makes a complaint he then goes on line and tries to discredit both the customer and the company they work for.
The company I work for had nothing to do with the purchase I made from them it was just used as a delivery point. I'm waiting to see what if anything Ebay are going to do about this poor misguided chap.
Blackmail crime involving a threat for purposes of compelling a person to do an act against his or her will, or for purposes of taking the person's money or property.

not sure if its blackmail as neither of us is trying to get money or property from the other. He on the other hand is trying to discredit the name of the company I work for and gain the names and address of all directors so he can write or phone them with the idea of trying to get me fired from my job. From doing a wee bit of research on the internet I have found that he has done this to quite a few of his customers not only does he sell stock which is not fit for the purpose but if the customer makes a complaint he then goes on line and tries to discredit both the customer and the company they work for.
The company I work for had nothing to do with the purchase I made from them it was just used as a delivery point. I'm waiting to see what if anything Ebay are going to do about this poor misguided chap.
Well I'd call that blackmail in my book!
I'd probably let ebay do their bit and see what happens, could just be his bullying technique to try and put you off pursuing a refund. I assume there is no harm in having a quick chat with your boss, or you could even bring it up in idle conversation 'You wouldn't believe the plonker I've been dealing with on ebay' etc, so at least he is vaguely aware something is going on if it does get a bit sticky.
The guy already knows I have no intentions of asking for a refund so I really dont know why he's acting the way he is. Ebay have blocked him from being able to contact me but I'm wondering if by doing that they have prevented him from seeing my account details. And after doing a quick search on ebay I can confirm the guy has done this before so its not idle threats the guy is making.
I hope that ALL of you communications with this bloke have been using the Ebay facilities and not by other email systems.
When you raise an issue with ebay, you give them permission to view the messages sent between the seller and the buyer so that a proper determination can be made on the issue.
I hope that ALL of you communications with this bloke have been using the Ebay facilities and not by other email systems.
When you raise an issue with ebay, you give them permission to view the messages sent between the seller and the buyer so that a proper determination can be made on the issue.

yeah it was and ebay have seen and read the emails still waiting to see what they going to do about it
Good luck with it - I had to wait over two weeks for my refund - the seller has just sent me this:-

Which apparently proves that he refunded me on the day he got the item back !!!!

Must have better eyes than me then !! :rolleyes:
The guy has now been in touch with the MD of the company I work for don't know exactly what he said but he was attempting to have me fired from my work. Sadly I'm still waiting for ebay to get in touch or take action. I will be contacting the police tonight once I get home.
The guy has now been in touch with the MD of the company I work for don't know exactly what he said but he was attempting to have me fired from my work. Sadly I'm still waiting for ebay to get in touch or take action. I will be contacting the police tonight once I get home.

He needs to be very careful trying stunts like that. There are people about who might not use the legal system to sort out such issues.
Good luck with the police.
He needs to be very careful trying stunts like that. There are people about who might not use the legal system to sort out such issues. Good luck with the police.

People like that could push the most law abiding citizen over the edge. Any way Complaint lodged with the police they coming out to visit me on Saturday morning only annoying thing is Ebay removed my feedback at his request, item description clearly states ' The item may have signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended.' So how can a tyre with no tread on the inside rim be fully operational and function as intended. He claims the tyre in his picture is melted yet it does not look melted cant see the thread properly because he has laid a screwdriver across the top blocking the view of the bald tread at the rear of the tyre. The tyre I received is not melted just bald.
I'm loosing the will to live, need a drink NOW
police can ask for that if necessary :)
If they want the message sent to my MD then they will have to ask him for it, I'm sure the MD would be more than happy to help the police to sort this low life sad little man, my own investigations have revealed this guy has done this before how can he still be allowed to trade?

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