
New Member
Was out in the Disco the oter day, stopped at a mates house and jumped out leaving it in reverse. Got back in and it wouldn't start ( natural enough ). So I thought it was the immobiliser playing up, locked it and unlocked it, no go. Noticed then it was in reverse and moved it into park, it started. Both the 's' and 'm' cogs started flashing as did the 'd' light on the selector. No power at all, had to put the pedal right down to get it to move at all. As I wasn't in a very desirable place to leave it I limped it home ( bout 1/2 mile ). Turned the ignition off then started it again, same thing, lights flashing. Sat for a few minutes while I read the manual and found out it was telling me there was an electrical fault within the auto box. So I sat ****ed off and depressed, once again I started it, this time all was fine and has been ever since. Question is, do you think I just confused the box for a time or am i heading for a major problem?
I think initially you confused the gearbox ECU but after starting it several times in succession you may have sucked too much juice out of a relatively soft battery.
For some reason the gearbox ECU is hyper-sensitive to the voltage it recieves and IF it's low the s&m lights will start to flash.
Mine did the same thing in heavy rain about 4 months ago, I just stopped,switched her off, started again & have never had the lights since (touch wood ;))
low battery voltage can cause this, let the engine run for a while ensure voltage reaches a minimum of 12.75 volts to power up all the electrical circuits correctly. hope it helps
best mark
Why the hell not ? OK , so the OP might have had their query sorted or not be around , but we always go on at people to search before asking or commenting on a subject so we can hardly remark when someone does that....and leaves a comment . It all adds to the knowledge base - so why not ?

Not aimed as a personal comment at you ,Dis , just the same thing has been said a few times recently and I wanted to make a point . So , we all cool , Dis ! This end at least , mate ! ;):)

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