Fook me this could take some time

Yts for jobbing builder
yts for a roofer
jts for a window installer (see how they changed the scheme name when Yts were slagged off as slave labour) :eek:

worked as a labourer Demolished school/church/convent complex
demolished Grain/Malt warehouse
demolished dockside warehouse.

travelled around for a few years doing odd jobs but mostly "Officially unemployed" (It was the 80's :eek:)

3years in Holland/Belguim/Germany Thermal Installation worker (PipeLagger) on various oil/chemical refinaries.

factory work in Peterborough on an injection moulding machine & making wiring harnesses for Ford & Rover.

Night support worker for a charity providing accomodation to 16 to 25 year old homeless peeps. (6 years)

Property manager/ renovator/sparky/plumber/joiner/ jobsbody. for a rental agency in North Wales He bought cheap semi derelict houses I renovated em and rented em out for him.

Manager 10bed B&B
self empolyed Property repairer/handyman.
site labourer/hoddy last year.
Back to property repairs now..
Left school, and went to work in my parents pub. Ended up running it when the manager did a moonlight flit with the weeks takings.

Dad sold pub, and set-up an oak framed builing co. Was a GDB there.

Dad got cancer, so sold company. I went to work at "breaking and pre-training yard" Basically, a nursery school for racehorses. Started as yardman, and ended up as head-lad.

Went from there to horse transport. Got my HGV, and have travelled horses to every country in mainland Europe.

Self-employed courier.

I now provide horse transport for polo teams, and professional polo players, using their vehicles. In the winter I look after resting polo ponies, this year I ended up with nearly 120 horses. We also have a livery yard/riding school, and buy and sell a few horses, mainly ex-racehorses.

Where to start

Well left school got started as a welder fabricator
Got made redundant so joined the Army first as RE bricklayer got borde of that and went infantry got very borde of that so went RLC as ammo tec progressed from that to EOD and now I'm a bomb doctor currently in Afganistan I don't look for bombs I just deal with them when there found Search be it Engineer or Pioneer teams do the bomb hunting.
Where to start

Well left school got started as a welder fabricator
Got made redundant so joined the Army first as RE bricklayer got borde of that and went infantry got very borde of that so went RLC as ammo tec progressed from that to EOD and now I'm a bomb doctor currently in Afganistan I don't look for bombs I just deal with them when there found Search be it Engineer or Pioneer teams do the bomb hunting.

Fook me you have a banging job then?? :D
Just a wee bit :D could say business is booming haha see I can do a funny to :bounce::p:boom:

absolutely rib crackingly good. I can see you exploding onto the stage and just blowing the audience away.

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