Used to sell big 'puters and thought is was great. Got made redundant eight years ago and sta rted gardening for a living. Have had a landscaping business, got out just in time and am now employed developing a private garden on the Dorset coast. If you can call it work, most folk do it as an 'obby...
We've had this subject before and my answer is always the same. - My user name says it all so - Guess.
Domestic and commercial gas metering engineer. Plumber/pipefitter orugionaly. Then spent 7 years as gas emergency for what was transco. Loves playing with gas
I is a Inglish teecher, living and working in Poland, it has its up sides and its down sides, all in all quite happy really.
I work on the flood defence team for the Environment Agency Wales, Mainly treework and Blockage removal.
I'm a Civil Engineer, basically if you want to connect to / alter / build over a public sewer or install a new one, I would authorise it (or not) if it's was in my area.

Sounds dull but it's a great job that I really enjoy!
fire detection and alarm systems, security systems, access control, portable fire extinguishers, oxygen monitoring systems, PA systems, PAVA systems, door entry systems, CCTV systems, gate automation systems, and so on...
I was a broadcast technician/engineer trainer until I got made redundant - I did freelance for a bit but the work dried up a couple of years ago. I now get the odd theatrical sound mixing gig (I do quite a lot but most of it's unpaid) and I'm thankful I worked for years for an organisation with ****ty pay and dreadful working conditions but an excellent pension scheme.
Land rover technician since 1984 at various shed shops and main stealers since 1990
I was an engineer in the once great british steel industry until the last turn down. They waved a redundancy cheque and a pension offer at me and I was out of the door as quick a quick thing having a quick day.
Since then I've indulged my lifelong passion for cars. I bought a(nother) Land Rover to play with and work with my mate at his Porsche garage when they are busy. Currently helping out another mate with his companies health and safety procedures.
engineer at factory making plastic bottles, fixing the machines when the pillocks running them break em.
which is every day
Self employed sparky (special discounts for landyzone members ;-) )/theatre sparky, abuser of large generators at outdoor events and exploder of fireworks in training.
full time carer for lynda,
before that yard manager at a salvage yard (cars vans etc)
before that works forman in the engineering trade
before that time served marine machanical engineer (bloody big boat engines

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