you should get a leak down test done asp i'd put money on nadgerreed rings or maybe it has friday night fever..aka piston broke
cheers slob. will take to the local chap and see what he can do. apart from that it goes quite well. 65 mph on the bypass yesterday and the steering was okay, problem came when i approached the rounabout (whoops) EVER had a landy in a skid? good fun. when i am more confident about distance travel it would be good to meet up for a weekend? see you soon chaps. does that bird use her airbags to lift the landy?
landy in a slid.... years ago a used to get series 3s and 2s going sideways in the snow just before a junction then apply the power, (if thats what you call it)at just the right moment so that forward motion would then push me along the road i wanted to go. this was done in the confines of bordon camp mainly SEME. and if you don't know what that means ask some one. it goes without saying that the lessor mortal out there thought i was mad, the more intelligent ones knew i was mad.

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