
Active Member
Greetings! I am A Yank from the "Buckeye State." Bought my 98 p38 black Range Rover 4.6 petrol approximately 1 year ago. I have been looking up info on the net and have found lots. Have changed the water pump (ate the bearing and seal) and flushed system, new hoses. No other problems since. DARTH has 216,000+ miles on him.

Glad to be on board!

Hello West Slope Rover! I'm not on a slope, I'm on top of the Terminal Moraine (N/E>S/W through Ohio.) It is not flat land, but you might not call them hills. I am also on RR.net.
Hello West Slope Rover! I'm not on a slope, I'm on top of the Terminal Moraine (N/E>S/W through Ohio.) It is not flat land, but you might not call them hills. I am also on RR.net.
I think I'm on that forum, too, but for some reason I identify with this motley crew. You will find they have a special fondness for Yanks.
Welcome to LZ

Now where is Fur Trapper when you want him?
I don't know how you in the U.K. use it, but when my sister lived in Wooten Bassett in 2002, I visited and didn't take any offence in being called Yank. By the way, loved it in the U.K.

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I don't know how you in the U.K. use it, but when my sister lived in Wooten Bassett in the 90's, I visited and didn't take any offence in being called. By the way, loved it in the U.K.


I never met anyone who does find it offensive - one of your fellows on here does (just for effect)

am sure your paths will cross

welcome to LZ
I don't know how you in the U.K. use it, but when my sister lived in Wooten Bassett in the 90's, I visited and didn't take any offence in being called. By the way, loved it in the U.K.


Fur Trapper is planning on moving here, lets see how you go and maybe we can have a word with uncle sam and see if we can do a swap.
Welcome Les. 216k miles on Darth, holy cow :eek: :) I guess mine should last a while longer then...

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