I must admit I do fancy getting out a bit this year now the truck is mechanically up together.
I must admit I do fancy getting out a bit this year now the truck is mechanically up together.
Steady as she goes!
We found a good track not far from us.
Bloody hole in the ground found its way into the bumper edge and crack!!
You can only see it if you search....I think a metal bumper would a good idea!!!:oops:
Front bumper is already damaged from previous owners. But yes I like the idea of a metal bumper. But I haven’t seen one that I like. I understand everything is high on them for clearance but I like the look of the truck as is with the fogs where they are.
My biggest worry is the screen wash bottle and the gearbox rad being exposed with the metal bumper.... I've recently gained a brand new heater matrix and was wondering if I can patch it into the gearbox pipes and move it higher. I thought the coolant circuit runs on higher pressure than the gearbox. But a bit of home work will tell..
It all depends on what level of offroading you want to do! Last thing you want is it looking like something of mad Max! Unless you do?
But then if its past its looking pristine stage and looking used' and mechanically sound... What's wrong with it being more able than most?;)
It all depends on what level of offroading you want to do! Last thing you want is it looking like something of mad Max! Unless you do?
But then if its past its looking pristine stage and looking used' and mechanically sound... What's wrong with it being more able than most?;)

One thing worse, is looking like it can do it and then finding the Snorkel is not connected correctly and allows air /water in...Ooopppps.

Well I’d like to give it a good stab to begin with. Not feeling winches and flared arches just yet but certainly a bit of mud is on the cards
I see what your saying but I still think that looks more tidy than the terrafirma option. Its more because its hidden until the trailing edge of the bonnet.

Most snorkels require you to cut holes. But yes this one does seem a little more than others.

Well aware of the BECM and water issues. Plus the rest of the truck would need setting up for wading to with other breathers and all that stuff.

This is why I was tempted mate. Plus I really like the look of it. Doesn’t say price which means it’s probably more than a 1996 diesel manual :D
Just a couple of points regarding my snorkel ;) I believe any modification is a personal take on taste and engineering, what someone does to their car is entirely their prerogative - I am not a fan of the units that run outside a P38 – they’re a bit “lumpy” for my taste, hence I tried to make this “low profile” unit – it works and it’s discreet enough for me – it was however a git to make!

The BeCM is not a concern when in water – if your door seals, grommets and seals are healthy, there’ll be no water ingress into the cabin (unless you open the door!) – assuming you’ve fitted axle and transmission breathers, it’s actually the EAS that’s likely to fail 1st as it’ll suck in air.

I only cut the rear edge of the bonnet and the wheel arch liner– there’s been no cutting or drilling to the rest of the car, so no irreversible damage. Nearly all the modifications we’ve done have not required drilling or cutting the shell, only the bolt on panels (wings, tail gate, that sort of thing)

The OIS site has no prices as it’s a blog – I’m just sharing ideas that me and my mates have tried – some work, some need more work, the point is the blog might inspire – even if you don’t like what we’ve done, it might help point in the right direction – P38’s do not lend themselves to modification like Discos and Classics, and there’s naff all out there on the market, so anyone else’s experience has to be useful in some way!
Just a couple of points regarding my snorkel ;) I believe any modification is a personal take on taste and engineering, what someone does to their car is entirely their prerogative - I am not a fan of the units that run outside a P38 – they’re a bit “lumpy” for my taste, hence I tried to make this “low profile” unit – it works and it’s discreet enough for me – it was however a git to make!

Looks great. If I was going to have a snorkel then something like that would be ideal.

The BeCM is not a concern when in water – if your door seals, grommets and seals are healthy, there’ll be no water ingress into the cabin (unless you open the door!) – assuming you’ve fitted axle and transmission breathers

P38 should have axle and transmission breathers as standard. If it doesn't then someone has removed them.

I've been through a few rivers well over the wade line and as you say, no issues other than a bit of water made it into the air filter. The EAS intake is a tad higher and got away with it. The mud baked itself onto my engine and all rads and was a total f*cker to remove though. @Dopey thought he was in a submarine and had to be rescued by the RNLI and his is still going strong. We've both got oil burners though; show a GEMS a damp cloth and it throws a fault code, although a guy in Australia gave his BECM a proper dousing and after drying out was back on the road in no time (see Youtube).

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