Is the Oil pressure warning light on?
I had a Mercedes with "OIL" everywhere..... was the power steering pump leaking and flinging it all over the place.
More oil than usual, you mean?!
Quite considerably :)

Not much! We filled it up with £70 of oil and drove it as far as we felt possible to a safe location. Let's just say it's bowels exploded :(

Do yu have recovery cover?
We will trailer it back to the seller tomorrow. If it is easily fixable and the drama hasn't caused any engine damage we will have it home ASAP :)

Thanks for all of the help!
Quite considerably :)

Not much! We filled it up with £70 of oil and drove it as far as we felt possible to a safe location. Let's just say it's bowels exploded :(

We will trailer it back to the seller tomorrow. If it is easily fixable and the drama hasn't caused any engine damage we will have it home ASAP :)

Thanks for all of the help!

Have you been in contact with them? I hope it gets resolved one way or another.
Is it sorted yet, Mum?
Hehe! It is working for me :)

With regards to the engine, we think we have found the problem... The seller started the engine and the oil was coming from the oil pump area. Without closer inspection this has made me think that it is the dreaded oil pump bolt that left the factory without locktite!

As the engine sounded completely normal until we stopped is their likely to be any damage caused that will:
Fail the engine completely;
Or reduce its lifespan considerably?

And how can we check the damage caused?

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