
Active Member
Hello all,

Does anyone know if there is a technique to fitting the opr?

I've had the sump off twice, the metal tube is sliding in and out smoothly, to the extent that it will fall into my hand

Spring looks OK

Oil pressure is still through the roof, blowing the oil filter seal

Any ideas?

To be honest, it's not very often at all that you hear of oil pressure being too high, it's usually a problem with it being too low.
The first questions which must be asked.

Are you fitting the correct oil filter? The part number for the filter should be LPX100590

Are you using the correct technique to fit the filter? I know it's a bit awkward to do it from above the engine. The fitting instructions shown in RAVE are:

"Clean mating face of filter head.
Lubricate sealing ring of new filter with clean engine oil.
Fit filter and tighten by hand until it seats then tighten a further three-quarters of a turn."

All I can think of otherwise is that it's either being fitted on a skew or something is fouling the filter preventing it from being screwed home properly.
As I said it's unusual to hear of oil pressure being too high, and almost never of it being so high as to force the oil out of a correctly fitted part.
Thanks Brian,

Filter was fitted perfectly.

However the dickhead who fitted the fpr backwards shall remain nameless..........
......... OOPS!
Thanks Mark

When I took the opr out it sort of fell into my hand.

Assumption, being the mother of all F+++ ups, made me put the spring up inside the sleeve,

Doesn't go that way! :'(

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