
Active Member
Going forward with my rebuild (new cam and lifters) i'm stuck with my oil pump.
I checked clearance and gasket thickness before setting. I tried to prime with an electric drill...without success. i have pressure on the oil cooler exit (i put a bypass valve) so i imagine the sump filter is ok. But it's emulsified oil coming out ! mean something is clogged ?
and I have no oil from the sender hole...
my head gasket is a composite one (elring) with holes for the oilways .
I think (but not sure now) i have the good front timing gasket.
What is my issue ??
Oil pump issue.jpg
Is there any coolant in the engine?
Do you have a picture of the oil that is coming out when you run the pump? đź‘Ť
Have you had the sump off? Has the o-ring on the oil filter pickup failed?
Donc, il y a de l'air qui pénètre dans l'huile qui sort du carter, je pense, comme grrrrrr l'a dit, cela pourrait être le joint entre la pompe et le tuyau de prélèvement🤔
Are you talking about this paper gasket ? (photo) I remember putting a light touch of hylomar to fix it in place, under the car, maybe it moved :confused:

To be sure, I might fill the sump with another 4 liters to reach this seal level...before removing the sump again.

But i can not understand why pressure on the cooler plate and nothing else where.
Capture d’écran 2024-10-23 101923.jpg
Capture d’écran 2024-10-23 101923.jpg
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I added 4 liters of oil, still only comes out through the intercooler connection. I'm going to remove the relief valve and try again...
I wonder if an air leak at the feet of the rocker arm shaft (deformation / very malleable aluminum), the oil circulating there, could be the source of my pressure problems. I'm also going to drop off an arm to see if the oil comes up that far...
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After connecting the 2 hoses of the oil radiator, and bleeding what air I could, I managed to get a pressure of 30 psi at 2000 rpm on my drill. This seems very correct to me. I get this pressure after about ten seconds. The resistance on the drill is not very high (I thought I read that it was more than that) and the oil rises well to the rocker arm ramps. On the other hand, I don't see the oil squirting, it's more of a light trickle of oil...
Only small concern: the 2 pump gears squeal (squeak) a little: too much play? problem with oil circulation in the pump?
Any advice or recommendations before I reassemble the radiator and fan? everything seems correct to you?
Après avoir branché les 2 tuyaux du radiateur d'huile, et avoir purgé le peu d'air que j'ai pu, j'ai réussi à obtenir une pression de 30 psi à 2000 tr/min sur ma perceuse. Cela me semble très correct. J'obtiens cette pression au bout d'une dizaine de secondes. La résistance sur la perceuse n'est pas très élevée (j'avais cru lire que c'était plus que ça) et l'huile monte bien jusqu'aux rampes des culbuteurs. Par contre, je ne vois pas l'huile gicler, c'est plutôt un léger filet d'huile...
Seul petit soucis : les 2 pignons de la pompe grincent (grincent) un peu : trop de jeu ? problème de circulation d'huile dans la pompe ?
Des conseils ou recommandations avant de remonter le radiateur et le ventilateur ? tout vous semble correct ?
Work in progress:)

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