
New Member
ok new to the world of discos
my 300tdi is marking is territory with what looks like a few diffrent leaks one is coming from the end of the vacume pump, is it possable to reseal this or is it a replacement job?
also there is a lot of oil around the sump possablely the sump gasget leaking can this be replaced with the engine in the car is so any tricks i should know of,
while i was under the car i was looking for the gearbox fill and drain points but i could not find them i did find what looked like a drain hole without a plug in it but the base looks to be sealed
has anyone got some pic's of there locations so i know where to look
sorry if its a bit of a list
The gearbox Drain point is a large, 32mm headed plug on the drivers side of the gearbox.

Directly above it is the filler plug, which is a torx 50 grub screw. I had to clear built up mud off mine to be able to see it the first time.

The transfer box has a 17mm headed bolt at the bottom to drain, on the 'angled face' of the box. A 22mm headed bolt on the drivers side of the transfer box to refill, above the exhaust (on my car)

Axles have 1/2" square drive filler and breathers.

Can't help with the sump/vacuum pump sorry
sump can be done with engine in situ, easier to drop the anti roll bar down to get it out, no gasket, just RTV sealer. i've heard of vac pump repairs by removing the pump,drilling out the rivets that hold on the end cover and replacing them with small bolts, sounds feasible but never done it myself.
thanks for the info will look at doing the work on the pump if not i have seen one on ebay for just under a ton
ok new to the world of discos
my 300tdi is marking is territory with what looks like a few diffrent leaks

Unless you are serious about keeping the garage floor clean then be prepared to keep on top of the leak issues or just give in and get used to it.:D


HAhahahaha i used to worry about leaks having gone from a nice clean beemer to my disco and was quite concerned at 1st as to the amount of fluids draining from my vehicle even when told by a mechanic its the "dryest" one hes ever seen!

Ive just finished my 5L oil container the other day bought when i bought the car about 14 months ago, I have a small amount coming out of an overflow hole thingy where the engine joins the gearbox, my old man has assured me its nothing to worry about and the cost/hassle of sorting it out would far outweigh the cost/hassle of buying oil and topping up now and again and occasionally brushing my parking spot with fairy liquid!

I think of it as my "permenant oil change" and when i check the level on the dipstick the oil is always pretty clean.


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