
Active Member
Picked up my new-to-me 2.5D last night. It seems in great shape, though there is one bit I noticed that has me scratching my head a bit.

At the manifold front side of the engine there is a stripe of oil down the block which doesn;t seem to be coming from the valve cover (my usual suspect) but from the head to block join.

Is there a pressurized oil passage at the right front of the block that could be weeping through the head gasket, or is this just some random crap from the valve cover that I'm just not tracking correctly?

I have to confess i'm tempted to just shoot the head gasket while I have the engine on a stand but if i don't have to so much the better.
if it's on the stand, i'd be changing it with a good brand gasket. peace of mind and it does sound like it's leaking.

you doing the front/back crank seals and belt too?
Yep, my thought as well re: Shoot it.

Going to do the belt, the front and rear seals, valve seals and have the sump off because it's leaking at the gasket.

A few hours pleasant work - and this way I get to grind in the valves and make sure the damn hotspots are locked in.
Re: Core plugs: Good point. Might do myself a favor and fit a block preheater while I'm about it - got an in-hose one that I use when it goes sub-zero here but think I would like one in the block instead.

Keep it coming lads - every time I look at the post on "what to refresh" that got co-opted for an argument on 200TDis I laugh and come back here. :)

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