Hello everyone. Just removed oil cooler after loads of oil found in header tank, cant see any obvious faults although i suppose under pressure? Any way, what is the best way to remove all the oil from the water, i did hear that dishwasher tablets were an option. Any thoughts ?
I think that removing the oil is treating the symptom rather than the cause. You need to get to the problem of why the oil is there, or it'll just come back again. I can't say I'm any sort of expert on the subject, but it sounds gasket related to me.

Dishwasher tablets? Interesting.
Hello everyone. Just removed oil cooler after loads of oil found in header tank, cant see any obvious faults although i suppose under pressure? Any way, what is the best way to remove all the oil from the water, i did hear that dishwasher tablets were an option. Any thoughts ?

Hi Shane, when you say the oil cooler, do you mean the assembly on the passenger side of the engine block, or the oil radiator in front of the coolant rad?


PS To remove the oil from the coolant you will need to drop all the coolant from block and rad, then flush a lot, then new coolant - but that's after you've identified where the oil is getting into the coolant and resolved it.
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Hello again. Took oil cooler (from under the turbo) blocked up one side and put air line on other and oil came out from between the fins so have decided that was the problem. Just wandered what was the best thing to flush the water of oil,over the counter stuff or"home" concoction ? Will also get head gasket checked asap

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