
New Member
Hi Chaps and Chappettes,

I'm new here so go easy to start with :)

I'll get it out of the way before anyone asks, I've never owned a land rover of any description! I've always wanted one mind you, so it appears my mid life crisis has finally kicked in with a vengeance!

Did I buy a Japanese Bike, Oh no that would be far too sensible!

I bought this! An Ikea Landy!! What on earth was I thinking!!

Anyone got the instruction manual handy??




It was bought by a friend of mine from someone who'd given up on the rebuild.. her intention was to have it rebuilt... then she gave up too! I haven't the heart to watch it just sit around, although I'm pretty sure I've bitten off far more than I can chew I've got to give it a go.
petrol I see... would have gone derv meself , still you will know motor well by time finished , welcome and good luck :)
It was bought by a friend of mine from someone who'd given up on the rebuild.. her intention was to have it rebuilt... then she gave up too! I haven't the heart to watch it just sit around, although I'm pretty sure I've bitten off far more than I can chew I've got to give it a go.

Well its defiantly a project ;) haha! Just attack it in small chunks! what engine is it? or is it going to be? plus you will get lots of people on here with lots of advice and help :)
put ya location up m8...

i'm sure someone local can give ya some pointers..

good luck n i wish i had space to get one the same.. that chassis looks like a good one...
Thanks uncle albert, the engine went south many moons ago, my intention is to put a 200tdi in it.. seems like the sensible choice 'I hope'! :)
put ya location up m8...

i'm sure someone local can give ya some pointers..

good luck n i wish i had space to get one the same.. that chassis looks like a good one...

Location's updated nick, yeah the chassis is solid, I wish I had the space too!!
Wow! Good luck!!! That looks like more than we could handle. I hope you've got somewhere warm and dry to do your jigsaw!
welcome timeline100, well you've certainly got yourself some work to do but its gonna be interesting and satisfying when you get it finished and a 200tdi is the best lump by far.
Thanks guys, I wish I did have somewhere warm and dry! I'm hoping that describes the UK this summer as it's going to be built on my drive!!
Is it a new chassis? Shot blast and galvanize? Worth it in the long run

Seriously, I'm still wondering what I've done! I haven't seen the thing yet, I bought it from the photos! With money I haven't got!! The chassis sold it though purely based on the fact that it looks pretty solid.. I must be utterly mad!
If you have lashings of tea and chocolate biscuits then i will give you a hand ..... be a challenge wouldn't it lol

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