
New Member
ive recently brought a series 3 diesel and ive now found its been running on red diesel on a quarry. does anyone know how im going to be able to get it road legal again as my understanding is i cant use red on the roads :confused:
I would ask Customs and Excise what they think should be done in case you get pulled as they can tell it has used red by exhaust and the fuel lines or something.
Anyway if you ask em what to do then if you do get pulled you can show the letter you got back saying its OK.:)
FFS just drain the tank and refill with diesel. HMR&C if they dip ya tank will discover such a tiny trace, (if at all) that they won't give a ****. If it's recently changed ownership then they'll know it has been used in a quarry and expect to find traces of red.

& for any road vehicle to use red. It has to be registered as an agricultural vehicle and be used within a very limited range of it's registered address, anyway.
FFS just drain the tank and refill with diesel. HMR&C if they dip ya tank will discover such a tiny trace, (if at all) that they won't give a ****. If it's recently changed ownership then they'll know it has been used in a quarry and expect to find traces of red.

& for any road vehicle to use red. It has to be registered as an agricultural vehicle and be used within a very limited range of it's registered address, anyway.

:) spot on pikey,

drain / use it up then fill it with diesel from the pumps, if any trace is found its so ****in small and close to change of ownership its nawt to worry about, specialy as it was used in a quarry
I agree too, if you can prove it was used in a quarry, and you can prove change of ownership.
Customs are not like the police, evil eyed so and so's that just want to screw you, small traces on a recently re-owned vehicle are understanable, the issue is however is that if the previous owner was actually using it off road, if they were not then there could be trouble.
at very least you got a free tankful of engine degreaser.
... and I've only ever once in my 20 years of driving seen a road fuel testing unit!
I agree, just use it and then refill with white. I understand its a tax issue so if it bothers you that much pop a cheque in the post to custom and excise for the tax element of the amount of fuel you have left. If there are any traces left and in the extremely unlikely event you get tested then tell them the truth.

I use my landy on the farm and use red diesel, occasionally when I use it on road I'll fill it with white. As another poster put it C and E are not like the police looking for an easy bust.
the sun is out here, I'm plaining to go out with the dogs later - do you think it would be wise to take an umbrella with me ?
Drive on, enjoy your free tank of fuel an quit winning, chances off getting stopped are slim. Wait till it's empty and fill er up again we white. i run my last car on ribena for years. No adverse effect. If your worried paint the fuel lines under the bonnet with black paint. Onwards an upwards............. :crazy_driver:
Drive on, enjoy your free tank of fuel an quit winning, chances off getting stopped are slim. Wait till it's empty and fill er up again we white. i run my last car on ribena for years. No adverse effect. If your worried paint the fuel lines under the bonnet with black paint. Onwards an upwards............. :crazy_driver:

do yers still have green diesel ?
Greens fer Ireland innit.

Been down your neck of the woods today trucky, you heard of allens auto wreckers, went to get a rad for the 300tdi engine.
Think you were blagged.

Red is less refined than white, and has a lower cetane, which means its makes slightly less power having a lower calorific value.
Dunno 'bout green, I suspect the same story as red.
Common rail jobs dont run as nicely of red.
Think you were blagged.

Red is less refined than white, and has a lower cetane, which means its makes slightly less power having a lower calorific value.
Dunno 'bout green, I suspect the same story as red.
Common rail jobs dont run as nicely of red.
My old Renault 21 used to go a lot better on Red and didn't smoke either.:)

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