just had a quick gander at it and it seems pretty good, very informative and what looks like a good decription of the route, not a bad price either ;)
Did you buy one of their Routes? Im interested in a route in Ashbourne at a cost of £4.50! Are there any other sources of Green Lanes?
no i didn't make a purchase but i just thought the prices were ok, lets face it, you can't just get routes anymore unless you know someone that hasd a litle black book, so at least a fiver isn't extortionate ;)
Great idea, but caution is required.

Since the NERC Act these routes are not reliable information. Taking a look I can see that over 95% of the Exmoor Quantock routes are now illegal to drive.

The Wilshire Berkshire ones are also affected, the Ridgeway is closed in places and seasonal TRO information is incorrect.

I am sure that these are done in very good faith, the Derbyshire lanes have been less affected, but until they have been updated you simply can't rely on them.
I usually go to the County Council's website. And armed with a landranger map of the chosen area look up the routes on their definative map (if they have one). If they don't its a case of contacting/going to the County Council offices to look.
Best to make sure before you use one if your not sure as it could land you a pretty hefty fine :(
DerbysRed said:
Hi All

I've been browsing T'Internet for local green lane sites, maps, info and stumbled across this site (www.offroadroutes.net). Anyone used it, recomend it?

Thanks in advance
Personally I wouldn't reccomend this. You'd get more in return from joining a LR club with organised trips and events.

Regards WP.
No good for me, I dont live in either of the aberdeenshires, or in any or in other. Durham, Northumberland Cleveland, Cumbria, North Yorkshire are all on the missing list.
I'm no expert, but I have quite a good, cheap method for finding greenlanes. I'm lucky (or unlucky) enough to live in London and there is a huge map shop called Stanfords near Covent Garden. I pop down there every couple of months and perruse their OS 1:25,00 scale maps looking for the holy grail of legends, the green crosses of joy (Byways Open to All Traffic). I used to order random maps from Amazon and the first couple were pretty lucky, but since then, I've ordered a couple that had perhaps only a mile of BOAT between them. I realise that using this method does not utilise the RUPPs that are open to us, but it also avoids driving where you shouldn't and I say a good way for a beginner to get started before becoming involved with clubs etc.
Sniperbait said:
I realise that using this method does not utilise the RUPPs that are open to us,

... only open to us in Wales at the moment ... and not for long there either!

I agree the best way is to dig out a recent, local OS 1:25,000 and go exploring yourself!


Really? I hadn't realised that BOATS didnt extend into wales. I was looking to get an intercooler fitted at Allysport and make a bit of a weekend of it by poping over the border to south wales and doing a couple of lanes but it looks like it may be a bit of a 'mare. I guess I could contact the GLASS rep for that area for a route or two (if there are any around there).
Er, no, I think you have the right end of the wrong stick. To reiterate:

It is now illegal to drive RUPPs in England.
The only RUPPs we can use are in Wales, and that is soon to change too.
BOATS is BOATS is BOATS. We can still use them.


id leave that site alone. the sample i checked was last surveyed in sept 2005.
then there is this rider,

Important May 2006 - a recent bill in parliament means that it is now (since 2nd May 2006) illegal to drive many rights of way with a motorised vehicle such as a 4x4 or motorbike.

Many of our routes are now out of date and there is considerable risk of driving any of the routes. The only safe lanes to drive are those that are Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs). Any Rupps and UCRs could cause you problems and result in prosecution and confiscation of your vehicle. For more info see Rights of Way pages.

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