Graham Wilkinson

Active Member
:confused: Realy fancy getting the lanny dirty some time soon and as briercliffe is canceled anybody any suggestions where go in lancashire or surround areas. Maybe arrange a day out with a few other members?
Well i'm out of action for a while seeing that my partner in crime has taken the beast over to germany for a couple of months:(:(
which green lane trip is this, i tried the link you put on but its not working could be interested though!
If there is anything on your welcome to be co driver in mine wingy although its not up to your usual standards of the county haha
Graham Wilkinson said:
which green lane trip is this, i tried the link you put on but its not working could be interested though!
If there is anything on your welcome to be co driver in mine wingy although its not up to your usual standards of the county haha
Might just take you up on that graham..

Report late and hardly any photos of my own (had to lend my dad my camera) but here is the basics.

Top day out. Well worth the £20. You could quite easily go by yourself as all the routes are on the OS map, but safer in numbers.

Set off from Corwen in N Wales at 10:00 and didn't return till 18:00. Lots of muddy tracks, a river crossing ( see pic: November - Denbigh Moors/slides/Disco 1.html ) and some spectacular moorland scenery.

Got stuck once when I grounded out on the diffs, but made it over when the boys got out and the weight was reduced. :) Spent a lot of time towing a 110 and a series three up grassy slopes where their road tyres lost traction.

All in all a good day out and I would recommend it to anyone.

Would suggest reasonable tyres are fitted tho, as road tyres just weren't up to it.
Hey there i dunno if im in the right forum but im looking for anyone who can guide me in the ways of building a mattsseratti racer. i plan to build one in the coming two years and just need some specifications as i can't find any websites for the specs. Just stuff like what i need, COST lol and well errmmm where i can get it all from.
thanks in advance
Jack reynolds

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