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Hay I'm new to this so sorry if ive put this in the wrong place.

Basically, I'm 18, and I've got the land rover bug. Ever since my dad had a 110 that's all I've ever wanted. So now with a years driving experience and off to Uni soon, to do off-road vehicle design, I feel my time has come to get one.

The brick wall I've come up against is insurance. I've looked and Aidrien flux etc and they're all for over 21/25.
So that's a no go. The best quote I've had is 1,400 on a 90 2.5 n/a. However if I take it off-road it will invalidate the insurance. Which kind of defeats the object of a land rover really.

So my question to you is, is there insurance for only Off-roading? So I effectively have two insurance policies? Or am I dreaming and will just have to foot the bill of another 2k or so?

Any advice will be appreciated and/or other alternatives I'll have. (not getting a Land Rover is not an option :D )

Cheers, Chris
I think you'll find it very hard with 1 years driving experiance to actually get offroad insurance, as they depend on your driving experiance not to keep making claims, thus a person with little driving experiance is likely to damage their car more than, an older person with more years experiance.

As you say you only want off road insurance?? why?? are you going to be doing some simple greenlaning or more rougher and extreme driving??? I've done some greenlaning with my disco and not even bothered about off road insurance, i guess it depends on how extreme you push yourself and the car. You need to be careful that you don't overdo it with the insurances as you'll kill the enjoyment of enjoying your landy when you want, as you'll always be worried about the cost etc...

I guess the on road policy you have is gonna cost you because of your age, I'd forget the off road bit for now, and spend a little joining a landy club near you, experiance some gentle greenlaning to start and if you want to go into more extreme offroading then go along with some of their club members to see what they do and how.

Good Luck ;)
I was mostly thinking of greenlaning anyway, I don't have the money to be thrashing it and replacing a new part each time.

The Uni I'm going too has their own greenlaning club that go to north Wales on weekends so could easily turn into a regular thing.

Probably just stick to road insurance, put some AT Tyres on and enjoy the odd lane :)
It's just getting rediculous with the cost of insurance. It's getting to the point where half the people at college can't afford to insure a car which would probably have more power if you pushed it!
A friend of mine on a 1.0 polo has to fork out 3,500 a year, so roughly 3.5x the value of the vehicle.

This coupled with spiralling fuel costs means nobody Under the age of 25 will be able to afford to drive, and by the time I'm that age insurance will probably require a mortgage. And the worst thing about all of this is there's nothing you can do. Living in the countryside I get one bus into to town a day, and that goes straight there and back, so I HAVE to drive. The whole things ridiculous and the government is going to tax the country to death and then stand back and go, oops. While the rest of us struggle to afford bread.
Sorry for the rant.
haha hit a nerve there, but yer i totally agree insurance and fuel prices are getting ridiculous (3500 for a polo HOW :eek: ).
Errrrm... Greenlanes ARE ROADS!

Off-road you don't need insurance...

Problem Solved!
I don't know how many times people have actually encounterd a police officer down a lane? Seemed just a stupid thing to try and enforce.

However, through my research it turns out that they've changed the laws on all this, basically any road you have a right of way on like a byway or what ever, if the general public have access, then your vehicle has to have MOT taxed and insured. Just incase you run someone over or what ever. The only time you dont is on private property. Stupid stupid stupid.
Err.. no FFS it's not changed in a million years - a green lane is a ROAD - always has been, always will be. :doh:

You need Licence, Tax, MOT & Insurance & if I ever catch you on a lane around here without any of the above I will have no qualms about torching you and your motor!
no what i think lerk means is just get normal insurance and youll be fine on greenlanes and you dont need to be insured for offroad use anyway
You off to Harper Adams in September? I have an Interview there tommorow ;)

I don't know how many times people have actually encounterd a police officer down a lane? Seemed just a stupid thing to try and enforce.

However, through my research it turns out that they've changed the laws on all this, basically any road you have a right of way on like a byway or what ever, if the general public have access, then your vehicle has to have MOT taxed and insured. Just incase you run someone over or what ever. The only time you dont is on private property. Stupid stupid stupid.

I have met Police down a Lane before, They had complaints about some tossers on Scramblers going off piste.

Byway's are roads and you need to have Tax, Test, Insurance and a License, The same as any other road. What they mean by place's with public access is place's like Car Parks, Not Pay and Plays which you can drive road without any of the above.
Yeah I'm off to Harper :D had my interview a while back and got offered a place on off-road vehicle design :D can't bloody wait. Just spending every waking second of my life revising to get the grades now.
I have to say it's the only university I've looked at that has tractors regularly driving through campus :L

What course you going for?

One last thing, would a set of BFG AT's be fine for general use and greenlaning?
BEng Off Road Vehicle Design. What Grades do they require you to get?

BFG AT's are very good On-road and Off-road, even if they are a little pricey they do seem to last forever :)
They ask for 240 points, but in that you need a C in A level Maths, and a C in A level physics. Then at least a C in something else (I'm doing economics) but not general studies. That was what the conditions of my offer were. A bit confusing when they're website said a D in Maths but I'll just have to work even harder.

My advise for the interview, wear a suit, only the engineers did and we looked fly. :L . Plus what they said to me about the interview was they've already decided on your place this was just to firm up who you were, :) so don't panic. You taking your landy with you?
My advise for the interview, wear a suit, only the engineers did and we looked fly. :L . Plus what they said to me about the interview was they've already decided on your place this was just to firm up who you were, :) so don't panic. You taking your landy with you?

I am doing a National Diploma in Engineering, So mine will probably be different.

My mate who had his interview last year said, Hardly anyone wore a suit so i am confused what to wear now :doh: He said "Smart Casual"...

And not taking the Landy up as i am actually want to get there on time, Not covered in **** and not on the back of a AA Truck :D But i will probably take the Landy up if I decided to go up there :)
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I will admit, only a select few in suits, but they were all engineers. Smart casual if you wonna fit in though.
There was a guy at my interview day who was doing that, got offered a place there and then. So fingers crossed.

I'm still looking for the landy for me :( want a 90 2.5 n/a if anyones selling.
I will admit, only a select few in suits, but they were all engineers. Smart casual if you wonna fit in though.
There was a guy at my interview day who was doing that, got offered a place there and then. So fingers crossed.

I'm still looking for the landy for me :( want a 90 2.5 n/a if anyones selling.

Cheers :) I will probably wear smart casual then as i look like a knob in a suit :D (Apparently i look like a bouncer? :doh:)

What kind of questions do they ask you in the interview?
Thought Coventry Poly was the place to go to study vehicle / transport design. Was where the recruiters went each year...

mind, that was a few years ago tho!:rolleyes:
What I got asked was, why Harper? What do you think the course contains? What would you be interested in doing here? They're mostly looking for enthusiasum for the subject :)

Nothing like the Oxford question, if you were a chocolate bar what would you be and why? :L

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