Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
as lerk said you NEED insurance to drive a lane cos its a road. If ya going laning youll drive to get there any way wont ya?
Yeah I'll have normal insurance, but the guy down the phone said they do not cover you offroad. I'll have insurance most likely with admiral, unless I can get a good deal with NFU.
Yeah I'll have normal insurance, but the guy down the phone said they do not cover you offroad. I'll have insurance most likely with admiral, unless I can get a good deal with NFU.
bet the guy down the phone said he'll give you a discount if its paked overnight off the road too.
Green lanes are NOT offroad.You need 3rd party as a minimum same as tarmaced roads and the punishments are the same for not having it as tarmaced roads.
green lanes are roads so if you are insured to drive on the normal road your ok on a green lane.

if you go to a pay and play you dont need and insurance, but i belive most clubs have public liabiliy insurance which i guess could be claimed on for injury/death. but no cover for your landy, i think this is correct.

im 22 and pay 600ish with adrian flux, my 19 year old bro was qouted 1500 by adrimal. on my disco.

insurance is a nightmare when you are young i feel for you, its hardly a boy racer car.

would be interesting to know if any one has had to calim after an accident on a greenlane and how they were about it. especially if if was in and astra or something that shouldnt be down there.
It's a frustrating world when you have to sort out insurance before you can choose the car.

have to get a 2.5 n/a took keep it cheap.
i can sympathise with the younger generation it is frustrating the cost of insurance and fuel costs in this country i have to say i agree with the earlier posts green lanes are classed as road aslong as you have the necessary licence insurance and tax there shouldnt be any problems i have had run ins with plod over my time regarding this but a friendly traffic copper assured me that i was in the right just make sure you use a recognised green lane and dont do what other idiots do and go off route and cause damage this gets my goat and gets lanes closed which spoils it for the rest of us
Try Frank Pickles - cheap insurance, and they cover off road use as standard - in fact they insist!
Tried Frank pickles. Quoted me on 2.5 n/a £5000 . So roughly 3x the value of the vehicle, NFU in my dads name 4600. Admiral 1400 :L I spent a whole day ringing around. For me, the longer I searched the worse it got!! Plus admiral are doing this thing that you buy a 10month policy and they'll give me a years no claims! Plus they'll accept that I've been a named driver with Direct line for a year and give me another year!

I honestly didn't believe the quote, but I've rung up several times to keep trying to figure out what I'd done wrong! But nope. That's the quote for an 18 year old.

Frank pickles Aidrien flux NFU and all those others are only good for older drivers :/
you probly wont find any cheaper than 1400 being 18years old. all insurance has gone up this year for some reason. when i was 17 i payed 1400 quid to insure my B reg 1.1 fiesta that cost me £200. that was 5 years ago.

i have done the 10 month no claims bonus with Bell (adrimals sister company) its pretty good when you come to renew all other companies accept it as 1 year NCB

i always do a good search when i renew as shopping around realy pays when you are young. to be honest its just luck if you get a cheap quote, as insurance comapines seem to do special deals certain months, if you get a quote then go back in 3 months time they may well ask fo £400 more for no aparent reason. or may insure you mate on the same car with the same NCB but he pays £300 less because he rang up in the right month? you get my drift.

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