Good evening gents , I will be removing this thread tomorrow. I was unawRe of the contension on this site my only reason for placing this thread on royal 452 profile was to advertise a play day for all who may be interested. I deeply regret this as it seems to have caused a great deal of animosity. I have only ever wanted to raise money . I apologise to all those who felt insulted by who my sponsor is but I shall be raising money with mr cobley for this cause . Once again this is not spam just me trying to ad ertise a play day . Thankyou charllie
Im sure your intentions were good, however as others have stated, your 'sponsor' is not held in high esteem...and an offer of 30% of profits going to charity is an indication of his psyche, he will take 70% and that seems excessive...

Anyhows..good luck...
Problem is If you step in **** you smell bad, we are blunt round here.
Raising money for charities most round here appreciate, unfortunately prior behaviour by Vince has ****ed a lot of people off.

I think your intension to raise money for a charity is good, just find a better employer. And don't spam commercial activities of pro****e here
I think its disgusting.... when I have run charitable events 100% of the profit always go to charity if not more
Can you get more than 100% in the black country then Si?

Yep you can always get more than 100% of a PROFIT;)

Its not like Cobbly is even givin any of his own money... he's donating other peoples money.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
How injured would you like ? how about the loss of use i have in my right arm does that count ? or the shrapnel wounds to my head and back ?

Ah, so you have a vested interest.

Do you know what? You're a disgrace to the Services, I posed the question regarding the injuries of others but no; it's all about you!
To be honest, you've done HFH a lot of harm, because I will think twice about giving my time, my vehicle and my money to the cause now, cos I'd hate to think it was lining the pockets of a whinging tosser like you :doh:

I bet your former C.O. would be proud of you........ NOT!!!
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To all that have too much time on their hands whats your personnel views about a person are doesnt really bother the lads and girls fighting to keep you safe they are happy that people like vince are helping, the the tread my girlfriend put up was an invite not an excuse to try and boost your ego.
So when you are driving your landrover think how lucky you and what it would be like being shot and and possibly loosing a limb.


How injured would you like ? how about the loss of use i have in my right arm does that count ? or the shrapnel wounds to my head and back ? you sit at home and keep typing your mummy's will bring you your tea soon haha oh and if you take offence i'll send you fifty pence then you can ring someone that cares have fun and hope to see you soon.
oh and i work for protrax now.

Good evening gents , I will be removing this thread tomorrow. I was unawRe of the contension on this site my only reason for placing this thread on royal 452 profile was to advertise a play day for all who may be interested. I deeply regret this as it seems to have caused a great deal of animosity. I have only ever wanted to raise money . I apologise to all those who felt insulted by who my sponsor is but I shall be raising money with mr cobley for this cause . Once again this is not spam just me trying to ad ertise a play day . Thankyou charllie
This fellas tone changes quite rapidly, is he schizo, suffering from ptsd or just more than one person posting under one user name?Vince is very popular in this months LRO, the same mag that lists his trips and britpart bits as a good idea.Also had the PNP guide for "every" PNP site.Shame none of the sites ive been to are in it.Any way, good call si changing the OP link, good cause, Ive donated elsewhere, and will again.

To all that have too much time on their hands whats your personnel views about a person are doesnt really bother the lads and girls fighting to keep you safe they are happy that people like vince are helping, the the tread my girlfriend put up was an invite not an excuse to try and boost your ego.
So when you are driving your landrover think how lucky you and what it would be like being shot and and possibly loosing a limb.


no one on here is trying to boost their ego as you kindly say,you are not the only one who has served in the forces and been injured,there are quite a few of us who have been injured and forgotten HFH for us,just get on with it,if you yourself have been injured i am genuinley sorry for you,just dont expect to come on to this forum and blast people then expect donations for HFH,this is not the way to do things is it.i'm sure if someone came into the SGT'S mess with the same attitude you would soon have something to say wouldn't you.
''good call si changing the OP link''

Blimey..i've been plagerised!! I may call international rescue...then again i may just have a sausage sandwich....

Nom Nom....:5bpiggy:
I'm new to this forum, just in the middle of a stressfull day, decided to take an e break, started reading this thread and now me bloody blood pressure has gone through the roof. I take it then that Yarwells not that popular and this chap Vince who ever he is, is pond life. At least I know, could of made a right pratt of myself.
''good call si changing the OP link''

Blimey..i've been plagerised!! I may call international rescue...then again i may just have a sausage sandwich....

Nom Nom....:5bpiggy:
Si did cos hes a mod.All credit where its due tho.....:rolleyes:
I'm new to this forum, just in the middle of a stressfull day, decided to take an e break, started reading this thread and now me bloody blood pressure has gone through the roof. I take it then that Yarwells not that popular and this chap Vince who ever he is, is pond life. At least I know, could of made a right pratt of myself.

Yarwells fine, the idea is fine, HfH is fine, even Royal452 is fine .. the issue is that VC has a distinctly bad taste on this forum.

Royal went off on one even though the people he was talking about said nothing bad about him, HfH, Yarwell or the idea, indeed the idea is completely sound and I might support it anyway ... the concern is that VC is making money (again) from others problems ... OK, he's giving some of his profits, but it's notalot and he's getting the bulk of it. Just leaves a bad taste in the mouth is all.....
I would suggest you go to a pay and play with your mates and donate.
VC has caused many problems and is not well liked.
Yarwells fine, the idea is fine, HfH is fine, even Royal452 is fine .. the issue is that VC has a distinctly bad taste on this forum.

Royal went off on one even though the people he was talking about said nothing bad about him, HfH, Yarwell or the idea, indeed the idea is completely sound and I might support it anyway ... the concern is that VC is making money (again) from others problems ... OK, he's giving some of his profits, but it's notalot and he's getting the bulk of it. Just leaves a bad taste in the mouth is all.....

paul,there are plenty of ways for you to donate to HFH,why give it to v c so he is making money.all monies raised should go directly to HFH, not via someone elses bank it was said in the thread earlier,the 30% is coming out of profits not gate receipts.:(
paul,there are plenty of ways for you to donate to HFH,why give it to v c so he is making money.all monies raised should go directly to HFH, not via someone elses bank it was said in the thread earlier,the 30% is coming out of profits not gate receipts.:(

I already have given to HfH and will continue to do so, I have family in the forces ..

But I like the idea of a Hfh Playday, and it's surprising some of the people you meet on these things. I dislike the idea of giving to VC, but I like the PlayDay idea more, I guess. ;) Dunno yet, we might not make it anyway, I have an examination a couple of days before it ..
Yarwells fine, the idea is fine, HfH is fine, even Royal452 is fine .. the issue is that VC has a distinctly bad taste on this forum.

Royal went off on one even though the people he was talking about said nothing bad about him, HfH, Yarwell or the idea, indeed the idea is completely sound and I might support it anyway ... the concern is that VC is making money (again) from others problems ... OK, he's giving some of his profits, but it's notalot and he's getting the bulk of it. Just leaves a bad taste in the mouth is all.....

I couldn’t agree with you more Paul. 30% of profit says it all really. If the figure had been 100% I suspect Royal may have received a slightly better response despite the fact that VC is involved. I guess Royal is feeling a bit ****ed off now, but he has the right idea and I'm certain his intentions are honourable, shame he got into bed with the wrong peeps. Funny thing is I feel sorry for him, he was defending his actions and was probably in too deep to back out even if he wanted too. Given that HfH is a fine cause maybe someone should draw a line under this thread.

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