
Why did you put a tear off section???^^^^^ thas a line
How injured would you like ? how about the loss of use i have in my right arm does that count ? or the shrapnel wounds to my head and back ? you sit at home and keep typing your mummy's will bring you your tea soon haha oh and if you take offence i'll send you fifty pence then you can ring someone that cares have fun and hope to see you soon.
oh and i work for protrax now.

right now my 2 pence

**** off you arrogant tosser

you seem to have missed out that a fair few of us are either current or ex forces. get your head out of your arse. i am sorry for your wounds, i wouldnt wish that on anyone, but thats the forces. i have lost my best friend on ops in afghan along with 5 other mates, many friends have been injured, i have dozens of mates currently in theatre, and here you are taking that approach

**** off mate, sort it out

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