Ere Charlie.
Its a good cause yu are running, but Protrax leaves a bad smell in most laners on this and other forums. They are known for blatently ignoring good laning practices and charging the earth for it. You might have more support if they werent tagging on to your coat-tails.
Vince Cobley most would not **** on him if he was on fire, you would do better with a direct donation link.
What they say ... Help for Heroes is already supported by a few of us on the forum, and this would be a great idea, if it weren't for VC making his profit out of it!
Mr Vince Cobley of very generously donating 30% of the profits to Help 4 Heroes.

The cost is £25 per car.

Fair play to you - but I'd echo the sentiments already expressed in both of your threads.

You say 30% of profits - not gate though

To all that have too much time on their hands whats your personnel views about a person are doesnt really bother the lads and girls fighting to keep you safe they are happy that people like vince are helping, the the tread my girlfriend put up was an invite not an excuse to try and boost your ego.
So when you are driving your landrover think how lucky you and what it would be like being shot and and possibly loosing a limb.


To all that have too much time on their hands whats your personnel views about a person are doesnt really bother the lads and girls fighting to keep you safe they are happy that people like vince are helping, the the tread my girlfriend put up was an invite not an excuse to try and boost your ego.
So when you are driving your landrover think how lucky you and what it would be like being shot and and possibly loosing a limb.

Alright mate dont get arsey.Theres a fair few of us on here that have been there one that at various stages and Im sure we all appriciate what the lads do. Many of us are contributing in other ways and doing other things.
Protrax are held in very low regard, being charitible or not
Regardless of peoples views of Vince/ProTrax it seems like a great opportunity to drive an excellent site and support a worthy charity - plan to be there!
Regardless of peoples views of Vince/ProTrax it seems like a great opportunity to drive an excellent site and support a worthy charity - plan to be there!

:mil80: am with u sounds like a good day !!!!! if the disco survives kirton im gona try and go...... its about time i did some thing for charity !!! lol
As others have said, Vince isn't really the best person to a) be associated with, and b) to make much money for HFH; 30% of profits is not much at all.
My local laners group, which includes ex-service people has raised a substantial amount for HFH independently, so please don't tell us that we have no right to an opinion when you're actually being given good advice for future fundraising!

To all that have too much time on their hands whats your personnel views about a person are doesnt really bother the lads and girls fighting to keep you safe they are happy that people like vince are helping, the the tread my girlfriend put up was an invite not an excuse to try and boost your ego.
So when you are driving your landrover think how lucky you and what it would be like being shot and and possibly loosing a limb.

Wow! What a cock!
does he think he is the only one who has served in the forces and been to places that are not safe.what about the service people who were protecting him when he was a child/growing up.:(;)
does he think he is the only one who has served in the forces and been to places that are not safe.what about the service people who were protecting him when he was a child/growing up.:(;)

Ah well, obviously all past service people are just "lucky"...... :rolleyes:
yes but what about the one's who got injured but not to seriously but enough that it has a debilitating effect on their day to day living.
I think we can all understand him wanting to get funds for his charity, and that money is tight. I think it boils down to his morality - is he prepared to get money from a rip-off merchant? would he accept funds from a drug dealer? Al Qaeda?
I spose it dont matter wot we think. Time will tell how much he actually gets, wont it?

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