New Member
Been playing with a few sets of injectors and have tried a few sets of nozzles.
Have had very good results with nozzles originally intended for an Iveco, smoke/mpg all good and very noticable increase in torque/'driveability'.
Didnt run to bad with IP set as per factory. Slight tinker but not much else.
IIRC unbranded (but Proper QC passed:D) nozzles come in at £60.
Anyone else tried bigger nozzles?:)
think he means the injector part number terry………..not the engine you were putting them in :rolleyes:
Sorry for the confusion,that is the part number chap!

Just change last three to 300 from 366 as all the rest stays the same prefix/spray angle etc

DSLA145P300 think they were Iveco/Renault Traffic Master (or summink like that) unlike VAG Tdi nozzles, part # appeared to have no correlation with size. VW did same with IDI nozzles for some reason:mil93:
Vw ones in mine can't be changed :( injector and pump are one unit now. 4 pump deuce injectors is what I has :(
For what its worth IMHO i think its worth paying a few extra pennys and getting Revotechnik or similar. Used them on a few cars and deffo worth the money

You wouldnt believe how much dog **** is out there, some scabby #### with a £100 netbook and a pile of generic VAG maps burnt onto a DVD they have bought off boxhead ebay suddenly makes them a chipping/tuning/mapping expert.


Had a 100pd Tdi beetle my ex Mrs borrowed and i never saw again, only mapped to 140 but torque was phenominal, ****ed all over a 225 TT up until 3k. Lot to be said for PDs.
Your obviously not too much of a flid by some of your posts but be careful FFS.
If you know the chap, he comes highly rated and his £200 map is a cloned known good map then happy days.
He could just be a spastic/chancer cashing in on Vdubs and his maps are afore mentioned kraut ebay generic dog **** maps.
If you know anyone with one of his maps already, find someone who willl end you vagcom/VCDS on a laptop and go out and interogate engine via measuring blocks. Can log AFM/boost/Mg;St etc etc
This will give you an indication of how good/**** it is.

Failing that, if it smokes like a #### you know its ****- just make sure he saves your map first before he flahses it:)
No idea if I will buy it yet or not but the garage is known so hopefully it'll be a good one if it gets done :) the guy said they'd take the car for an afternoon and scan it before setting up a new custom map to match the engine etc

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