
New Member
Wanted to clean her up and do a few odd jobs like

Clean her inside an out
Fit Service parts filters etc
Fit new springs in replace of air bags

But after moving it 2 meters and leaving it running it cuts out, then dosnt start!

Much head scratching later, filing it up of diesel incase it ran out it still didn't start, a little head scratching and looking at the engine bay the AA were called.

30 mins later, A VERY NICE MAN, A VERY VERY NICE MAN (old AA advert) turns up and tests the battery which tells him it's on its last legs but just about ok, then sprays easy start in the (inlet manifold ???) then it just about catches and since seems fine.

So they only job done today between 9am and 2pm was to fit a rear wiper blade (which doesn't seem to fit correctly do to probably being a cheap version on eBay)

Anyway just thought I would share this with you
What the H*ll were you thinking of letting him use Easy Start on it!. It's about the worst thing he could have done.
Once any Diesel engine has had a sniff of that crap, all it wants is more, and gets that it WILL NOT start without it. He needs sacking.
LMAO johnboy6.

As an alternative to easy start, assuming you can still get Wynns products, then good old "Start Ya Bastard!" ® does the trick. However, for those tricky winter mornings you need Wynn's "Fer Chrissake... COME ON!!"®

Ahem.. :D One thing you can do on a D2 TD5 Bobminda, is activate the purging program, especially if you think you've run out of fuel: Turn the ignition on (postion 2 - Batt, oil warning lights on etc.) DON'T try and start it, then rapidly pump the accelerator several times until the engine check light illuminates. The fuel system will then go through a purge program, repeatedly activating the fuel pump etc. after a minute or so, then engine check light extinguishes then you can try and start her up! :cool:

The fuel system will then go through a purge program, repeatedly activating the fuel pump etc. after a minute or so, then engine check light extinguishes then you can try and start her up! :cool:

Or alternatively, he could put some blôody fuel in it.

The title of his thread is "Not a great start to owning a TD5" - not a great start to ANY car if you don't fuel it, is it?

Same thing happened to me about a week after buying mine. Turns out the fuel gauge tells lies.

Have also heard the one about engines "getting addicted" to easy-start - and from some good mechanics as well. But never been sure why it should happen - can't see the logic in it.
What the H*ll were you thinking of letting him use Easy Start on it!. It's about the worst thing he could have done.
Once any Diesel engine has had a sniff of that crap, all it wants is more, and gets that it WILL NOT start without it. He needs sacking.

PMSL , engines dont have addictions :) total myth
Same thing happened to me about a week after buying mine. Turns out the fuel gauge tells lies.

Have also heard the one about engines "getting addicted" to easy-start - and from some good mechanics as well. But never been sure why it should happen - can't see the logic in it.

Because the easy start causes damage to piston crown and rings, which lowers the compression, and the engine wont start without it ;)
What the H*ll were you thinking of letting him use Easy Start on it!. It's about the worst thing he could have done.
Once any Diesel engine has had a sniff of that crap, all it wants is more, and gets that it WILL NOT start without it. He needs sacking.

that is untrue , it is possible to cause damage if used incorrectly ,but its fine if used right ,the reason its needed needs looking at, if thats not sorted it will need it every time
If you had seen as many engines ruined with that stuff as I have, you would soon take another view. It gets that bad, that they wont even start in the middle of summer without it.

it will if you never fix what ever reason cause poor starting
At an old work place there was a only Transit that was addicted to that stuff.
So much so there was a can in the cabin with a pipe to the inlet so you could get in and hive it a squirt would start.
James is right its not a case of an engine becoming addicted to easy start but a case of the fault in the fuel / intake system that caused the starting problem not being fixed and will probobly get worse hense the need for more easy start
Thanks chaps, it's started many times since so it luckily has avoided any addiction to easy start! Lol

It's was simply due to a combo of gauge telling lies and the rear suspension being on the bump stops and me being a div!
At an old work place there was a only Transit that was addicted to that stuff.
So much so there was a can in the cabin with a pipe to the inlet so you could get in and hive it a squirt would start.

it wasnt addicted just worn or had a fault
Thanks chaps, it's started many times since so it luckily has avoided any addiction to easy start! Lol

It's was simply due to a combo of gauge telling lies and the rear suspension being on the bump stops and me being a div!

you to make it clear, engines dont get addicted
you to make it clear, engines dont get addicted

each of my 3 jet skis wouldn't start once I used to me that's an addition....I know what ur saying that's it down to other issues but when you don't want to spend a small fortune on hard to find jetski parts and you find your self standing in freezing water at 7 in the morning trying to start an old dog of a jetski ....I'm happy to feed the old girl a £5 can of easy start :D

Note additions are not funny.....easy start or otherwise

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