
New Member
Hi all, Ive had a look across the searches etc but cant find an answer so thought I'd take the risk of looking like a numpty and ask - I recently had the rad and waterpump chaged in my nw beloved P38 (im sure P stands for paranoia given the twitch I get everytime she beeps) and this cured the "overheating when towing" I checked the resevoir alot after I had it done to check it didnt leak etc and it never moved, anyway ive done alot of miles over the last 2 weeks so made time to check it this morning about an hour after a short drive and it looked empty so I opened the cap to top it up and when the presssure released it filled back up to the line again - is this normal or does it mean i have an air lock or something? the car isnt running any hotter than normal.

sorry if this has been answered before and Ive not found it.

Mostly you change and check the coolant level with it cold .. My Disco says so on the filler cap! Which might make a difference ...
check the level in the morning when its cold if its up to the mark squeeze the top hose keep an eye on the level in the tank if it moves there is probably enough in there,this doesnt meen theres not an airlock tho,if its empty top it up start the car with the cap off the tank let it run and keep an eye on the level top up if it goes down also check the small rad bleed off pipe to the tank is not blocked coolant should spurt out into the tank.

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