No dummy, no flapping, no problem, genuine concern and question as far as I'm concerned.

Looking back on the recent posts I made I can see why you might think it's gonna be a gruelling slog .. it isn't, I write that way and when I go laning I tend to go for more extreme lanes, but this is a different kettle of fish.

A couple of the more picturesque lanes we're going to be doing, with some of the finest views, aren't even green lanes as such, they're unclassified roads .. albeit single-track and twisty turny, uppy downy, but definitely not 'real' green lanes!!!! We might even stop by an old cave/mine and walk inside a little way, if there's time, for tea ... ;)

There's always time for tea ...
Thanks for the reassurance anyway.

I'd agree about the tea... and cake :D

It is fantastic the effort that has been put in to organising this. I know that even for small outings a lot of preparation has to go in, and I appreciate the effort people are putting in to give us all a great day out - whatever the weather.

Looking forward to it.
Finally caught up and updated spreadsheet. You guys have put a lot of effort in to sort this for us, thank you.:cheer2: The sticker, t-shirt and name badge designs are fantastic have put my order in if its not to late?

Forgottenpoppy it would be a real shame if you missed this weekend you have put a lot of effort in to making it happen.

Looking forward to a good week end, off to garage now got loads to do to the old girl and running out of time
Finally caught up and updated spreadsheet. You guys have put a lot of effort in to sort this for us, thank you.:cheer2: The sticker, t-shirt and name badge designs are fantastic have put my order in if its not to late?

Forgottenpoppy it would be a real shame if you missed this weekend you have put a lot of effort in to making it happen.

Looking forward to a good week end, off to garage now got loads to do to the old girl and running out of time

Not too late for order reckon if I have everyone's orders by Friday I will manage to print them all in time :)