Badges are too small for more writing, I was told to keep the landyzone low key early on in this thread so I've done exactly as I was asked to do. Why do we need run on the end? We aren't running anywhere :D
The car stickers have landyzone on as do tshirts, and anyone on the 'run' knows its a trip so pointless word, and also at printers for stickers already, and I've made the screen up for tshirts which takes hours. So sorry not changing now as that'd be 100 quid of my own money down the swanni!
The design was ok'd by craigb he was quite happy with them so ahead I went!

taint a critiscism poppy.just a thought.nothing more.well done for doing them.;)
Well I like them Poppy :D :D Great job

Now to be awkward :eek: Do they have to be grey, cant we order nice black instead, if you haven't already bought the tshirts :D
Dont blame her, sorry Poppy :eek:

I posted an opinion,... if poppy had the go ahead to do the design that way by the organiser of this then thats fine.

What i find bizarre is ...the fact that one word of criticism / opinion / POV or whatever you wanna call it and the dummy gets spat out...which is childish behaviour..... its not like my word is gospel and what i say goes is it.
You know what bollox to all of it count me out

In case you hadn't noticed any decision involving LZ usually involves 15 pages of arguing, a row about immigrants and at least 1 fist-fight......which is why people make a decision and everyone else accepts it.....grudgingly or otherwise.

I'd say you've got off pretty lightly with 2 minor suggestions and a silly comment all fact thats damn near perfect! In fact it's probably a testament to your design so you should be at least relieved if not proud.

Now be a good girl and make me a sandwich :D:behindsofa: