What's your excuse or possible excuse.

Personal stuff going on. Problem is answer needed in two weeks, which i absolutely get numbers wise and camping wise but probably wouldnt know for definite til week before the trip .
Like i said its more probable than not that i wont be going
I reckon there is a really good chance that i'm going to be out of the country for this one, needs must as far as work goes. should know for sure in the next 2 weeks.
Iam currently waiting to find out if im working that weekend.

Should know in a week or so. hope thats all ok?
Yes, they are full, just checking that non of the drop outs had a room :D :D

As you might have guessed, I HATE CAMPING :eek::eek:

Not an option you want but.. my room has 4 beds and I'm only using one maybe two. I'm not a serial killer but it has been rumoured that I snore.
Like I say it's 'an' option.
Steve999 come on down you are now at #19 on the list.

We now have no reserve list and one spare place.

FAB news we are looking forward to a dirty weekend!!!!, Also just paid donation .
If we can be any help we are more then willing to get involved.
Just to let you all know guys.... that if it snows up here and i get stuck and cant drive down.... I will be callin LZIR :eek: :D
Just to let you all know guys.... that if it snows up here and i get stuck and cant drive down.... I will be callin LZIR :eek: :D

If it snows bad enough for you to get stuck, I'm not sleeping in a Landy :eek::eek:

There is a whole month for the sun to come out, have faith :):):)
Am I too late to ask if I can camp? Of fully booked? I haven't been keeping a close enough eye on this!!! Couldn't keep up so gave up!!! :(