We'll have to downgrade it to an informal meet cause it won't be proper if you're not there
You'll all survive i'm sure
We'll have to downgrade it to an informal meet cause it won't be proper if you're not there
You'll all survive i'm sure
Afraid I'm gonna have to drop out, not gonna get the disco ready in time.
Donated to the cause anyway! Hope everyone has a good one!
What's your excuse or possible excuse.
Any hotel rooms spare yet
I think the two that just dropped out where camping.
Have you called the B&B to ask them?
Yes, they are full, just checking that non of the drop outs had a room
As you might have guessed, I HATE CAMPING
Steve999 come on down you are now at #19 on the list.
We now have no reserve list and one spare place.
Just to let you all know guys.... that if it snows up here and i get stuck and cant drive down.... I will be callin LZIR
Am I too late to ask if I can camp? Of fully booked? I haven't been keeping a close enough eye on this!!! Couldn't keep up so gave up!!!