I won't be paying until last available date - (March I think was said ?) no idea what's likely to happen in life this far in advance and can't afford to throw money away ( even if it is for a good cause)

I won't be paying till at the earliest after christmas, just can't afford it!
I'm doing a little bit at a time- since the tablets I feel better & more mobile.
I'm trying to get it done, just these bastid shakes and sweating.:mad:

Strip off and drink ya coffee through a straw from a cup with a lid on :D
I won't be paying until last available date - (March I think was said ?) no idea what's likely to happen in life this far in advance and can't afford to throw money away ( even if it is for a good cause)

My thinking too. Lots of parameters by then.
Lol do you guys ever book holidays!? Or just durdy weekends at the last minute.
It's 25 quid to a good cause, whenever you can afford it, call it a packet of fags a week less for a couple,or the odd bottle of vino destructo less but no one is asking for immediate payment :D
Lol do you guys ever book holidays!? Or just durdy weekends at the last minute.
It's 25 quid to a good cause, whenever you can afford it, call it a packet of fags a week less for a couple,or the odd bottle of vino destructo less but no one is asking for immediate payment :D

Haven't had an Holiday for years, and a durdy weekend is usually caused by spending it under the landy
Haven't had an Holiday for years, and a durdy weekend is usually caused by spending it under the landy

I spend alot of time with a puzzled expression looking at the underside of my 90, I'm none the wiser still don't know what anything is:eek:
I do know I've currently got a knocking bush :eek: :D:D
a good way of pinpointing knock bushes balljoint etc is to lay underneath and get someone or 2 to rock vehicle you will either see it or if you put your hand on various bits feel it
a good way of pinpointing knock bushes balljoint etc is to lay underneath and get someone or 2 to rock vehicle you will either see it or if you put your hand on various bits feel it

Are you offering to go and feel Poppy's bush :eek: :eek: :D