We had a FAB weekend thanks all, particularly Top Cat for leading and the rest for getting down &dirty fitting my wheel bearing Big Sorry from us for spoiling your day.
Steve & Jo
Didnt spoil our day in the slightest, it made it more eventfull, its what we are about, it could have been any one of us, infact i had the same front bearing on mine sunday morning so it could quite easily have been me on saturday.
Thanks to you both for the company and entertaining Dylan, he has quite taken to you both. looking forward to the next 11 hour drinking session :D:D:D you pair of **** pots :D:D:D leading me asstray anorl that
Just about got rid smell of fire smoke from clothes etc, after a wind direction change!!! Tent arrived back today so that's next. was rather close!!:eek::eek:

Once again great weekend, still smiling. Just wish I'd spoken with afew more folk and got in pub.

Finally what did we say over that open mic :lalala::behindsofa:
Oh!!!!! And it seems we have yet to pay for our pitch:confused::eek:
Sure they will appreciate our phone call :eek:

Err... :confused: who do we pay how much :rolleyes:

Didnt spoil our day in the slightest, it made it more eventfull, its what we are about, it could have been any one of us, infact i had the same front bearing on mine sunday morning so it could quite easily have been me on saturday.
Thanks to you both for the company and entertaining Dylan, he has quite taken to you both. looking forward to the next 11 hour drinking session :D:D:D you pair of **** pots :D:D:D leading me asstray anorl that

I was getting worried about Steve's attempts to "entertain" Dylan in the back of his passion wagon... obviously Dylan enjoyed it... :eek:
Oh!!!!! And it seems we have yet to pay for our pitch:confused::eek:
Sure they will appreciate our phone call :eek:

I panicked about not paying, i left and 20 mins down the road remembered it wasn't free...!!! Rang up and paid in about 3.5 minutes because I was terrified they would find me & arrest me...live life on the edge I do.
I panicked about not paying, i left and 20 mins down the road remembered it wasn't free...!!! Rang up and paid in about 3.5 minutes because I was terrified they would find me & arrest me...live life on the edge I do.

how much was it?
I think rotund is more politically correct ;)

Oops yes you're probably right ....do apologise if I offended any large ladies , although there's definitely a difference between larger shapely bods that all the life drawing artists love down here and the birds that finish off all the un-eaten leftovers in the pub ...:D