Yeah I agree the picks are cool! But we should go there agen it was a good challenge and more of us should have tried to get down probs send rich before you nick to pull you thrue, although the lane could do to be left to repare for a year or so

Ya can just go to parkwood adam if you fancy challenges like that..lanes are not suposed to be like that,,the lanes been neglected for ages,
would you believe it!!!:doh:

all that yesterday..

and cought my corner bumper trim with my knee last night, barely touched it.. and it fell off!!!:mad:

gotta try stick that back on now... :mad:
and decided i gotta buy a jet washer... all the chuffin shops r shut...:mad:

whats that all bout!!!!:confused:

jesus is dead.. wtf does he care if i buy a jet washer?
Ya end up with all the muck on ya drive or the road outside ya house.take it to petrol sration and let them av all the muck.
Was very worse since bigish pool of oil under landy this morn now..gota try get it offthe block paving.
i nead to change right side cv joint now clicking like a good un lol.. (defender11069)

Was very worse since bigish pool of oil under landy this morn now... (nunny)

callums diff...

my paint, bumper corner (fixed it, screw fell out).....

tel me again why we do this...ha ha ha..

got a lot of attention outside pub last nite.. caught a group eyin up my motor.. turns out they were Home Page.. extreme off road competition stuff..

nice bunch.. ended stayin in pub most of nite chattin.. was one guys wifes birthday.. drunk 40 yr old women dancin on tables and singin on karaoke was hilarious.. the guys were quite reserved though...
play in it day 1,
sit and have a cry over the damage day 2
fix it day 3
cry over empty wallet day 4
think about next trip day 5
look a new map day 6
go do it all again day 7
nothing id rather do more lol
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Dalby Forest_0001.wmv[/nomedia]
video of this weekends trip
Am wodering if the gearbox breather is blocked,over long distan Poce,and hard use the pressure is forcing the oil past the seal
play in it day 1,
sit and have a cry over the damage day 2
fix it day 3
cry over empty wallet day 4
think about next trip day 5
look a new map day 6
go do it all again day 7
nothing id rather do more lol

so when's the next day 7 ?

back to dalby to finish the lanes? (shiver down my back)

or anyone any other ideas? he he he...

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